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Archolia Chapter 18 – The Peteran Priest

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Sister Ermine decides to seek counsel from Queen Chalyela regarding the visions she has been having of the fountain.
The closer Ermine gets to the castle, the smaller and more insignificant she feels.
She has no idea how she will speak to the queen about her visions without sounding mad.
Ermine hesitates before entering the castle, afraid to make a bad impression on the queen and be banned from her court.
Queen Chalyela is sitting on her throne.  Ermine is awed by the grand castle surrounding her. She feels unworthy to be in the presence of the queen and her court.
Chalyela spots Sister Ermine and immediately steps down from the throne.  Ermine finds this to be a sign of the queen’s humble nature.  She is grateful for the gesture.
“Greetings your Worship!  Welcome to my court.  Are your living quarters adequate?”
“Aye your Majesty.  This humble servant is grateful and feels unworthy of the kindness that you have extended to me.”
“Nonsense!  You are more than worthy.  I know that your work here will give the kingdom of Archolia much needed peace and comfort.  How may I be of service to you?”
“Well…” Ermine begins, debating on whether she should mention her vision at this time.  Instead she decides to go another route, “I wanted to pray the Watcher’s favor over you.”
“Thank you Sister!  I am indeed in need of her favor and protection.” 

Sister Ermine begins to pray.
The Watcher’s blessing pours over the queen in a bright glowing light that only the faithful can lay vision upon.
“M’Lady, have you had opportunity to properly convert to the Peteran faith?”

“No your Worship, please guide me in that prayer.”
Ermine and Lady Chalyela pray the convert’s prayer. 
“Thank you your Grace.  If that is all, I have other matters to attend to.”
“Actually M’Lady…I have just one more matter that I would like to discuss.”  Queen Chalyela turns and gives Ermine her attention.  Ermine is afraid to proceed.
“Well…you see M’Lady.  I have received a vision.”
“Is it the kingdom?  Is there danger heading for us?”  The Queen asks alarmed.

“No, no…nothing like that your majesty,” Ermine quickly assures her.
“You see your majesty…I suffer from insomnia.  This vision is of a fountain that can heal me of this flaw-”

The queen interrupts, “Sister Ermine, this sounds like a personal quest.  I have no time to entertain such visions.  Do as you must, but I cannot help you.”
Queen Chalyela swiftly turns to attend to other matters, leaving Sister Ermine where she stands.
Ermine regrets approaching the queen with this matter and risking opportunity for the queen to question her sanity.

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