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Archolia Chapter 128 – The Monarch

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 Jacedecides that he would like to explore the kingdom a bit on his own before having Chalyela join him at the town square.  She soon leaves to meet him, her nagging doubts become stronger. 
 She wants to believe that he is her cousin and that he has the crest, but the way he goes back and forth with his words bothers her.
 She prays that he is only holding back to see what he can get out of her and that he actually does have the crest.
 Chalyela reaches the town square and spots her cousin speaking to one of the villagers, which is highly unusual for someone raised in royalty.  And if her cousin is indeed the son of a Duke, why does he not insist on being called by his  proper title, Lord Jace or Marquess?
 Jacewalks over when he spots her.  “There you are cousin.  I thought that perhaps you had abandoned me.”
 “No, of course not,” Chalyela says, before adding,” well this is our town square.”
 “Well this is quite dull and boring!  How about we spit in the well!”  Jace suggests.
 Chalyela ignores Jace’s rude suggestion.  “Allow me to show you the docks,” she suggests.
 As Jace follows behind, Chalyela is disturbed at his rudeness and disrespect.  She notes that he does not behave royally at all.
 At the docks, Jaceimmediately begins criticizing the beach and docks.
 “This is it?” Jacebegins.

“Yes, we are quite proud of our docks and beach,” Chalyela says trying to make the best of this situation.
 “This is worse than the town square…and does your servant clean.  It is filthy.  I know…let us send him to the stocks.  That would be fun!’
 “No!” Chalyela says angry at the suggestion. She needs him to get her crest and help her to validate her family history, but she can not tolerate his rude comments.
 “I figured that you would be nothing but a stick in the mud.  I have had more fun at burials.  See you at the castle,” Jace says walking away.
 Chalyela is absolutely appalled.  Anyone else would be sent to the stocks for speaking to her in such a matter, but until she gets the crest, her hands are tied. 
In her head, she tries to think of ways to validate or invalidate that this man is indeed her cousin.
 First, she heads to the forest to locate Knight Captain Ivan to ask if he has heard of this so called “relative”.
When she does not find Ivan, she decides to asks a couple of the visiting foreign dignitaries if they have any information on Jace.

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