Time passed and I could feel my system start up again.
I had full control of my parts once again. “Hello Chas,” was the first thing I said with a huge smile on my face.
His mood was serious and subdued, “Now you should be ready to accept my suggestions. “
I did not respond right away. I moved my hands and arms around as if checking to see if they were still working.
Chas stood by as if he were waiting. I realized that he was waiting for my response.
“Of course my love…I am your bot mate. I will always be open to your suggestions.”
“Good! Are you ready to work on your speech? We first need to denounce everything that Aron had put into place.”
“Of course Chas. Between the two of us, we will run Lunar Lakes as never before.”
Chas appeared to be very satisfied.
“That is music to my ears!”
“Mine too!” I said with a smile.
“Oh Ardis!” He said pulling me into an emotional exchange.
I received feelings of love and affection like never before. His emotions were potent as if it had been a very long time since he has been able to release them.
I could feel his emotions flowing through my system even after our mouths were disconnected. “Oh Chas! Why was it never like this before?”
“Because I had not completed your upgrade. Now you are fully my bot mate.”
“I am glad,” I said.
“Oh! We have so much work to do! We must decide the best way to eliminate these humans. We need to make sure that the Earth humans remain completely unaware…”
Chas turned and pulled out his laptop. “Come, come Ardis…we need to get started right away!”
My face showed pure love and devotion for Chas.
“One moment Chas…I need to empty my waste receptacle,” I responded.
“Oh yes, that would be the extra water in your system. I will be in the kitchen.”
I watched him until he disappeared around the corner into the kitchen…
…then my eyes grazed across his workstation.
Before Chas could even suspect what had hit him, I was behind him with his blow torch in my hand.
I raised it high above my head knowing that I had one chance to get this right, or he would certainly destroy me forever.
“So we should begin by addressing the bots-”
Chas’ statement was interrupted when I lowered the blow torch to his head plate, hoping to burn out his entire processing system and mother board.
He fell to the ground in a clump and I was left to stare at his empty chair.
I stood there and mourned him once again. This time the sound was able to escape in an endlessly long wail.
Chas was dead…but I did not feel any relief.
Instead I recalled the emotions passed to me in our last emotional exchange. They replayed in my memory system and I sobbed because I longed for him deeply and wished that such passion had come under much better circumstances.