Ray hopes that a good drink will make Mitzi feel a little better.
Trent: Hey dad! Are one of those for me?
Raymond: One of what? The drinks?
Trent: Yeah
Raymond: You know you can’t have a drink! Why would you even ask?
Trent: I just wanted to see what you’d say. *to the action figure* See IncrediSim… I told you he’d say no!
Ray has him shuffling to the house to pee.
Raymond: I’ll be right back… stay away from the bar!
Trent: *in mock superhero voice* IncrediSim to the rescue!
Trent: *in regular voice* Thanks for saving me IncrediSim!
Trent: *in mock superhero voice* No problem… now I shall reward myself with a drink!
Trent: *In regular voice* Great! Now I have to save you from getting us in trouble!
To help himself and IncrediSim resist temptation… he goes to the other side of the yard and occupies himself with other things.
Just as Ray suspected… his newest concoction puts a long-lasting smile on Mitzi’s face.
Trent: Hey ma, just so you know…IncrediSim wanted to have a sip of your drink, but I saved him from it!
Mitzi: *knowing tone* Oh really? Are you sure it was IncrediSim who wanted a sip?
Trent: Yes… only him!
Mitzi: *laughs* Okay… I’ll take your word for it.
Ray reenters the backyard.
Raymond: What’s so funny?
Mitzi: Trent says that IncrediSim wanted to try my drink… but Trent saved the day.
Raymond: Trent! I told you to stay away from the bar.
Mitzi: Don’t get mad at him… you know you shouldn’t tempt a child. You should have put the drink away!
Raymond: I was only gone for a second!
Mitzi: A second is all it takes…
While Ray and Mitzi continue to argue, Trent decides that the best way to avoid their anger being redirected at him is to bring out a book and start doing some homework.
Trent decides to retreat to his bedroom with his book. Eventually, Ray finds him.
Raymond: Trent, there you are!
Trent: *closes book* Am I in trouble?
Raymond: No… I was just wondering what you were doing.
Trent: *reopens book* Homework…
Raymond: But you haven’t started school yet!
Trent: I know… I just want to know something already when I get there!
Raymond: Anything I can help you with?
Trent: Can you help me with some of these big words?
Raymond: Sure son… I’d be glad to!
After some bonding with his son, Ray leaves for work.
Trent decides to create something at his craft table.
Trent: Hmmm, something’s missing…what should I add?
A ton of glue and macaroni later… Trent seems pretty pleased with his artwork!
(Generation 1 Chapter Summaries)
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