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28 Blind Dates – Date 1: Group Date

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All costumed contestants are called to the backyard for an introductory dinner prepared by Chef Green, who’ll be staying with Jalisa (The Voidcritter)  for the duration of this challenge. (Note: everyone is on full auto mode) Jalisa calls them all to the meal. They sit where they want and decide whether to strike up conversations on their own. The guys stick to talking amongst themselves initially…

Hamster: This meal looks passable, but I’m sure I could have done better.

Panda: It looks great to me!

Knight: Me too.

At the table…

Raccoon: *waves* Hey everybody! I’m Miles.

Bear: *waves back* I’m Thomas.

The Knight walks over and checks in on Jalisa.

Knight: Did you enjoy your meal?

Voidcritter: Yes…it was excellent, and I was starving. Thanks for asking.

Bunny, Raccoon, and Yeti begin to include Jalisa in their conversation. The Bear is content with talking to anyone who’ll listen.

Bear: So…who here likes to fish? Fishing should definitely be a part of this competition.

Hamster: The only thing I like to do with fish is to broil it.

The Panda sits off by himself, eating fistfuls of Macaroons.

The Panda eventually joins some of the other guys at the table. The Robot and Gnome strike up a conversation, but neither of them has said very much to Jalisa yet. Suddenly, the Gnome surprises everyone by being the first to get up and dance. Jalisa immediately joins him…while the Yeti finds a home at the bar.

The Robot, who seems only interested in talking to the Gnome, walks off to be by himself. He goes into the movie room and finds something to watch. The Yeti is still at the bar, but he still manages to be a part of the conversations going on around him.

As others begin to dance, the Gnome shies away for a while…but continues to talk to Jalisa with the Yeti, Racoon, and Bunny. The Hamster, Knight, Panda, and Raccoon stay away from the dance floor. They all discuss their jobs.

Panda: Being an office assistant sucks at times…I can tell you that.

Knight: Maybe it’s time you find something else to do. I work for myself. Nothing beats that.

Hamster: Yeah, but it’s so scary to give up a steady paycheck. I’d love to open my own bistro, but I hear most businesses fail within the first 6 months.

Raccoon: You just have to take a chance, dude. What’s life without taking chances?

The Bear eventually joins Jalisa on the dance floor.

Voidcritter: You actually have some nice moves there.

Bear: Thanks, so do you.

Jalisa is sweating from so much dancing. She sits down at the bar for a drink…

Voidcritter: *to the Yeti* So…are you still hot?

Yeti: *chuckles* Sorry about earlier. I’m actually getting used to it now, thanks.

Voidcritter: *laughs* No problem… *to Chef Green* A round of drinks to everyone, please!

Yeti: Now you’re talking my language!

Apparently…a round of drinks is within everyone’s language because most of the guys come over to grab a drink. The Robot remains inside though…after watching an entire movie (Note: I was hoping the drinks would bring him out, but sadly…it didn’t). Jalisa finally gets a chance to talk to the Panda.

Panda: This is a great party. I don’t go to many parties…I don’t get out much at all.

Voidcritter: Well, it’s time for you to grab a drink and let your hair down!

Panda: You know what…you’re right! I will!

Chef Green keeps the drinks coming, and almost everyone grabs one. But not the Raccoon…he keeps a drink in each paw the whole night.

Raccoon: Now, this is what I call a party!

Voidcritter: Okay, Mr. Raccoon. I see how you roll!

The party technically ends a little after midnight. The Robot and the Hamster leave as soon as it ends (tears…I guess they don’t really like Jalisa), but apparently, everyone else was there for the after-party. The Panda, Knight, Raccoon, Bear, Gnome, Bunny, and Yeti stay and party with Jalisa until 3 am. Everyone who’s left seems to be having a great time and have no issues with chatting her up. Jalisa revels in the attention.

The guys must have a secret stash of energy because they are still partying after Jalisa decides that she can’t hang and makes her way upstairs to go to bed. Panda, Yeti, and the Knight party until the sun comes up. (I had to eventually use a cheat to make them leave =D)

Sadly…the first two eliminations are coming up.

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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