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28 Blind Dates – Date 1: Group Date Eliminations

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Voidcritter:  This is the part of the challenge that I’m not looking forward to. Unfortunately, two of you will be eliminated from the competition…which means revealing yourselves for the first time. Seven of you will remain. The order that I approach you will be the order of our first solo dates and is based on how much we interacted and our relationship level at the end of the group date. The last two that I approach will be eliminated. *sigh* Here goes…

The first three contestants that Jalisa approaches constantly socialized with her during almost the entire group date. She walks up to Raccoon first…

Voidcritter: Raccoon…will you be the first to go on a solo date with me?

Raccoon: *shocked* Me? I’m the first? Are you sure?

Voidcritter: Yes, you were the first to break the ice during dinner and you interacted with me the most.  Unless, you’re not interested in going out with me.

Raccoon: Of course I’m interested. Yes…I’ll go on a solo date with you!

Voidcritter: Good…go get ready for our date.

The Raccoon happily walks away. Jalisa approaches the Bunny next…

Voidcritter: Will you go on a – ?

Bunny: *before she can even finish the question* Absolutely! I’d love to go on a date with you.

Voidcritter: *smiles* I look forward to it. You can go get ready for our date.

Next up is the Yeti…

Voidcritter: Will you go on a solo date with me?

Yeti: Wow…I’m shocked. Yes…I’d like that.

Voidcritter: Go ahead and get ready then.

Jalisa approaches the Knight…

Voidcritter: You were a gentleman the entire time. Will you go on a solo date with me?

Knight: I’d like nothing more!

The Gnome is next…

Voidcritter: You surprised me when you stepped out there on the dance floor first! Would you go on a solo date with me?

Gnome: *silent shock*

Voidcritter: Uh…Gnome?

Gnome: *still silent*

Voidcritter: Andrew? Are you still in there? You okay?

Gnome: Solo date?

Voidcritter: Yes. Do you want to?

Gnome: Of course! Thanks so much!

Voidcritter: Get ready, Mr. Gnome…

Gnome: Sure thing!

Jalisa walks up to the Panda, but directs her question to the Bear standing beside him…

Voidcritter: I enjoyed you at the party…will you go on a solo date with me?

Bear:  Yes, sure. Yes…that’ll be great.

Voidcritter: Go ahead and get ready…

The Panda, the Robot, and the Hamster are the only three guys left. Two of them will be going home…

Voidcritter: Panda…

Panda: *raises a hand as if he’s in class* Here!

Voidcritter: You had me worried for a minute there at the party, but you came to life at the perfect time. Will you go on a solo date with me?

Panda: *deep relieved exhale* Oh my Watcher…I’ve been holding my breath the entire time.

Voidcritter: You okay?

Panda: Yes…and I’d be thrilled to go on a solo date with you.

Voidcritter: Let’s do it. You can go get ready now.

The final two guys standing are the Hamster and the Robot. Jalisa approaches the Robot first…

Voidcritter: I feel like I ran out of time with you. You sort of disappeared on me. I get that it’s hard being around so many guys, but we didn’t get to connect at all.

Robot: Yeah…I don’t know what happened. I just wasn’t feeling very social. I’m sorry, I really did want to get to know you.

Voidcritter:  I did too. *turns to the Hamster* We spoke a little…very little – although you were sitting right across from me at the table. I’m not sure what that was about. Maybe you just decided that you didn’t want to cook for me after all. That makes me sad.

Hamster: That’s not it at all.  I just got caught up in some side conversations. I apologize if it seemed that I wasn’t interested.

Voidcritter: It’s okay, but unfortunately…you two are the first to be eliminated. Please step in front of the camera and prepare to remove your costumes…you are our first two reveals.

Jalisa gives Axel and Luiz big hugs, and they all chat briefly before they leave.

(The Voidcritter) *silently curses to self* I’m really bummed out. I mean…damn – did you see them? Both standing there looking like an appetizer and dessert, and I had to say goodbye. Axel was built like a tank, and Luiz had that sexy ass bald head. *deep sigh* …And they were such nice guys too. I could have stood there talking to them forever. This is definitely going to be the toughest part of the whole challenge. But, I have solo dates to look forward to!

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 


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