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28 Blind Dates – Date 2: Solo Date (Raccoon)

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Jalisa and Miles (The Raccoon) return to the park, where the double-elimination took place hours earlier.  Miles arrives in a playful mood, and Jalisa is inspired. (Each solo date will consist of Jalisa trying out 5 friendly interactions, 2 funny and 3 romantic) Jalisa starts out by asking Miles about his interests…

Voidcritter: So…what type of things are you into?

Raccoon:  Well, I like movies, and I like to read. I’ve been known to do a little cosplay every now and then. I also love animals.

Voidcritter: Sounds like this competition is right up your alley then. So…what should we do, first?

Raccoon: I hear some music playing. You up for some dancing?

Voidcritter: Sure…why not?

Miles and Jalisa go over to the gazebo and begin swaying to the music. Miles’s moves are a bit on the clumsy side, but Jalisa thinks it’s cute.

Voidcritter: What do you do for a living?

Raccoon: Not what I’d like to do…that’s for sure. Right now I’m a barista at a small café in Windenburg. I don’t plan on being there forever, though. I’m just trying to save up some money so I can eventually travel to Sulani and help with the conservation efforts there.

Voidcritter: Interesting…I’ve never been to Sulani.

Raccoon: Me either, but I hear it’s divine.

Voidcritter: It definitely sounds like you have a passion for it. And I’m sure you’ll look great in your swim trunks as you run around on the beach in Sulani.

Raccoon: *taken aback* Would that matter though?

Voidcritter: What?

Raccoon: What I look like? I thought this competition wasn’t about that.

Voidcritter: No…I, didn’t mean –

Raccoon: *embarrassed* Let’s just not talk about that.

Voidcritter: I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just, um, excuse me a moment…

Jalisa walks towards a nearby bench to try and recover from her own embarrassment.

Miles walks over and sits down next to Jalisa.

Raccoon: I’m sorry. I just don’t take compliments well.

Voidcritter: It’s okay. It was a silly thing for me to say. Can we change the subject?

Raccoon: Sure

Voidcritter: Oh…you said you like animals, right?

Raccoon: Love them.

Voidcritter: Okay…I have a little joke.

Raccoon: Shoot

Voidcritter: What is black and white and red all over?**

Raccoon: Uh…a red-headed woodpecker?

Voidcritter: No…a burnt penguin! *chuckles*

Raccoon: I’m sorry, but how is that funny?

Voidcritter: It’s just a bad joke…

Raccoon: *angered* Who would burn a penguin? How is that a joke? It’s not funny at all.

Voidcritter: I didn’t mean to offend you. That was really insensitive. I’m so sorry. I promise that I wasn’t the one that made it up. I read it in a joke book once.

Raccoon: I just – I know it’s just a joke. It…it just sort of rubbed me the wrong way is all.

Voidcritter: Maybe we should just go for a walk.

Jalisa gets up, and Miles follows.

Raccoon: This date isn’t going well, is it? I’m blowing it completely.

Voidcritter: Why? Because you’re passionate about animals. There’s nothing wrong with that. At least you’re passionate about something. I’m the one that keeps putting my foot in my mouth.

**source: http://www.jokes4us.com/animaljokes/penguinjokes.html

Jalisa’s words reassure Miles and make him feel a lot better. He takes a deep breath and looks out over the water at the waterfront.

Raccoon: I really like it here. Newcrest is beautiful at night.

Voidcritter: I agree. It’s the reason why I came back after college. It’s my home, and it’ll always hold a special place in my heart.

Raccoon: I can see why.

Voidcritter: It’s a bit unfortunate that it’s overgrowing, though. They’ve been clearing more and more of the natural areas for housing developments.

Raccoon: That’s too bad.

Voidcritter: This waterfront area is my absolute favorite. I actually have a funny story about the river.

Raccoon: *hesitant* Hmmm…

Voidcritter: I promise…this one is funny. So, when I was a kid…they used to have this river festival that they hosted every year…you know, to promote an appreciation for the river. Part of the festival involved letting us kids wade in the shallow part of the river. It was great…we all loved it. Well, one year, my friends and I came to the festival prepared to wade in the river…only before I left home – I discovered all of my swimsuits were in the wash. So I had the bright idea to wear my “Water Girl” superhero underwear. I figured I could get away with it because they were “Water Girl,” right? So, long story short…I get down here, and I strip down to my underwear, and suddenly the lifeguard blows his whistle, and calls me out saying that I can only get in the water with appropriate swimwear. All my friends stayed and enjoyed wading in the water, but I had to trek all the way home alone…embarrassed. Let’s just say there was no wading for me that year. *chuckles*

Raccoon: *claps hands and laughs* Okay…that’s actually funny. But…poor thing. I still feel bad for younger you, though.

Voidcritter: It wasn’t funny at the time, but now…every time I come down here, I think about how silly I was, thinking I could get away with it. It’s hilarious.

Raccoon: It’s good to learn how to laugh at yourself from time to time. It makes the most embarrassing things so much less awkward.

Voidcritter: *chuckles* Exactly!

Voidcritter: You really are a great guy, Miles. I can’t believe you’re still single. I have to ask, why did you sign up to be a part of a crazy challenge like this?

Raccoon: Well – I… *emotional pause* I want a family. I, uh…never knew my parents. I was raised by my grandparents…and they’re getting older now, you know? If I lose them…I’ll be all alone.

Voidcritter: Oh, wow…I’m so sorry.

Raccoon: No…don’t feel sorry for me. I’m fine…and I don’t want to end our date with a pity party.

Voidcritter: It’s okay. The whole purpose of this challenge is getting to know each other, right?

Raccoon: Yeah…I guess so. Thanks for listening.

Voidcritter: Anytime…

Raccoon: I guess this is it. I hate to say goodbye, but I know you have another date to get started with.

Voidcritter:  Yeah…I hate to say goodbye, too. I feel like I’m finally getting to know you.

Raccoon: Maybe we’ll get another chance.

Voidcritter: I hope so. *gives Miles a hug, then steps back and waves* See you later.

Raccoon: Or sooner…either way, see you!

Miles walks away. Both he and Jalisa end the date in a happy mood but didn’t quite make it past the acquaintance stage of their relationship.

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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