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28 Blind Dates – Date 3: Solo Date (Bunny)

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Jalisa walks up to Nathan (The Bunny) as he’s huddled in the corner of the playground. She can’t tell whether he’s very nervous or if he’s crying.

Voidcritter: Are you okay?

Bunny: Oh, gosh…yeah. I was just hyping myself up a bit.

Voidcritter: I thought you were upset.

Bunny: Not at all. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.

Voidcritter: Okay…would you like to go sit down?

Bunny: Sure

Nathan starts this date already in a flirty mood. Jalisa is still happy from her date with Miles.

Voidcritter: So, Nathan –

Bunny: *interjects* Please, call me Nate…

Voidcritter: *corrects self* Nate…what type of things are you into?

Bunny: *perks up* Fashion…straight up!

Voidcritter: Fashion…I like that – nothing like a well-dressed man, but you were giving me some comedy vibes when we first met.

Bunny: Yeah…that’s another love of mine. I started dabbling in comedy at school.

Voidcritter: You’re good at it. I love a good sense of humor.

Bunny: I guess all the time spent in the principle’s office has finally paid off.

Voidcritter: *laughs* I guess so.

Voidcritter: Are you sure you were okay…just now when I walked up?

Bunny: I guess I’m man enough to admit that you caught me panicking a little. I really want to get to know you, and I’m not tryna blow it.

Voidcritter: I don’t think you have to worry about that. I’d like to get to know you, too.

Bunny: Good

Voidcritter: *shivers*

Bunny: Are you cold?

Voidcritter: A little…the temperature began to drop as soon as the sun went down. You would think these costumes would be warm enough.

Bunny: I know. *hesitant pause* I could warm you up a little. I mean…nothing creepy – I promise. *joking tone* It’s just kinda hard to talk to you with your teeth chattering together like that.

Voidcritter: *laughs* My teeth are not chattering.

Bunny: If you say so…

Voidcritter: *answers previous question* Sure…no sense being cold for no reason.

Jalisa and Nate stand up. Nates steps over and wraps his arms tightly around her…Jalisa does the same.

Bunny: *whispers in her ear* See? Just…like a heated blanket.

Voidcritter: Yeah…*steps back* thanks

They stand like that for a while…staring into costume eyes.

Bunny: This is so odd. I feel like there’s a chemistry here. But how? We can’t even see each other.

Jalisa smiles, but of course, Nate can’t see it. She can feel it too. They are both flirty at this point.

Voidcritter: Let’s walk over to the fountain.

Jalisa leads the way to the fountain…

Bunny: Why do I feel like you’re avoiding what I just said?

Voidcritter: Because…I agree, there’s chemistry…but that’s impossible, right? We don’t even know each other like that.

Bunny: Let’s get to know each other then.

Voidcritter: Okay…where are you from?

Bunny: Here…this is my hometown.

Voidcritter: Really? Newcrest isn’t that big. Is it possible that we’ve met before? We could have gone to school together.

Bunny: Anything is possible. *sits down on the fountain* But you probably wouldn’t have noticed me or have bothered to talk to me.

Voidcritter: *sits down beside him* Why not?

Bunny: I wasn’t exactly Mr. Popular in school. I was the one being made fun of. Girls like you don’t notice guys like me…not in everyday life.

Voidcritter: How do you know? You don’t even know me. Maybe I was bullied too?

Bunny: You remind me of the girls I had crushes on, but never dared to step up to. I can tell from the way you talk…your confidence and mannerisms. You were the popular girl in school. A cheerleader, maybe…from a well-to-do family?

Voidcritter:  I was a geek in school. An over-achiever. I started taking college classes in high school.

Bunny: Really? Sorry for making assumptions.

Voidcritter:  *barely audible* I was also a cheerleader, though…

Bunny: *laughs out loud* Ha! See! My observation skills never fail me!

Voidcritter: Do me a favor…put away your assumptions, and you’ll see that I’m different than what you think I am.

Bunny: I already know that. You never would have done this if you were like the typical high sidity Newcrest girl. They’d all be too superficial.

Voidcritter: On a lighter note…I have an impression for you!

Bunny: Okay…I’ve gotta hear this.

Jalisa attempts her best Bella Goth impression but fails miserably…

Voidcritter: *attempted Bella voice* ‘I have over 10,000 versions of this red dress in my wardrobe.’

Nate laughs despite how awful the impression was.

Bunny: We’ll have to work on that.

Voidcritter: Well, it’s after midnight and time for me to go.

Bunny: Okay…one last hug to keep you warm for your trip back home.

Voidcritter: Okay

Jalisa accepts Nate’s hug. They both end the date in a flirty mood and build up a slight romantic relationship.

Bunny: *whispers out loud to himself* I really hate to see you leave, but I love watching you walk away. You are working that costume!

Voidcritter: *playful tone* I heard that!

(The Voidcritter) The first two solo dates are done. I had a lot of fun with Miles and Nate. Miles was a lot more uptight than he was at the party. Maybe because he didn’t have a drink in his hand. I wasn’t exactly put off by it though, and his story at the end of the date dang near broke my heart. When I first approached Nate, he seemed upset…or maybe just nervous like he said. He was easy to talk to…like talking to an old friend. Was there chemistry? I truly believe so, as impossible as that may seem.

I look forward to getting to know both of them better, but right now, I need to get some sleep and prepare for the next solo dates. Who knows what’ll come out of it all. I can’t wait!

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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