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28 Blind Dates – Date 4: Solo Date (Yeti)

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It’s raining when Jalisa and Esteban (The Yeti) arrive for their date, so they decide to meet at the Botanical Garden Café next door to the park. Esteban arrives happy, but Jalisa is confident.

Voidcritter: I didn’t expect rain today…it’s a bit of a bummer.

Yeti: It is what it is. What can we do?

Voidcritter: Get out of it, for one…

Yeti: Let’s go.

Inside the café…

Voidcritter: So…how’s your day so far?

Yeti: Fine. We moved into the townhouse next to yours. They feed us well. And now I get to be here with you.

Voidcritter: Aww…that’s sweet.

Esteban’s mood is fine, but Jalisa is still confident.

Voidcritter: And you’re looking all dapper in that Yeti costume.

Yeti: Thanks, but we both know that’s a lie. This thing is hideous.

Voidcitter: *chuckles* Why’d you pick it then?

Yeti: It’s funny.

Voidcritter: Okaaay…*slight pause* Speaking of funny, I have a joke for you.

Yeti: *waits quietly*

Voidcritter: *after expecting a response* Um…knock, knock!

Yeti: Yeah?

Voidcritter: You’re supposed to say, ‘who’s there?’

Yeti: But I just say ‘yeah’ when anyone knocks on my door.

Voidcritter: Um…okay *continues joke* I love…

Yeti: Who?

Voidcritter: You’re supposed to say…you know what, never mind. I think it stopped raining. Want to go outside?

Jalisa gives up on the jokes for now and leads Esteban outside.

Voidcritter: It’s nice out…not too cold, not too hot.

Yeti: Small miracles…

Voidcritter: Right!

Voidcritter: So, what are you interested in?

Yeti: You

Voidcritter: *giggles* Besides me…what do you do for fun?

Yeti: *thinks long and hard* I enjoy fixing stuff. I also like classical music. I used to like art until I started working as an art critic and discovered that most of it sucks.

Voidcritter: Why do you say that?

Yeti: It’s mostly made by talentless spoiled, pretentious jerks who get discovered because of who they know. The underground stuff is good, though.

Voidcritter: Interesting…

Yeti: Has anyone ever told you that you have a pretty voice? It’s soothing…it keeps me calm.

Jalisa wonders why Esteban needs to be kept calm, but she doesn’t ask.

Voidcritter: *slightly nervous* Uh…thanks! Want to take a walk?

Yeti: Yep

They walk over to the water…

Voidcritter: I think this is the best time of day to come out here. There aren’t too many people out. You have to be careful of the ducks, though.

Yeti: The ducks? Why?

Voidcritter: Because they are straight gangsta. They will run after you and attack you in groups…especially when they have babies. I’ve seen them make big tough, grown men cry and run away.

That finally earns a laugh from Esteban.

Yeti: That’s funny!

Voidcritter: So, back to your interests…you say you like fixing things?

Yeti: It’s more like…I enjoy working with my hands.

Voidcritter: In what way?

Yeti: I can’t really say, because this challenge is supposed to be PG-13.

Voidcritter: *blushes* Oh…

Yeti: But maybe you can find out later…if you keep me around long enough.

Voidcritter: Hmm…now I’m curious.

Yeti: Curiosity is good. Anyway…I’ve gotta go. *turns to leave*

Voidcritter: Um…so, I don’t get a hug?

Yeti: You can get a hug, but you won’t like it.

Voidcritter: Why not?

Yeti: Because this costume smells like shit from all the sweating I did in it the other day.

Jalisa tries to hold in her laughter.

Voidcritter: I’ll take my chances.

Yeti gives Jalisa a quick hug, then they say their goodbyes. After being just ‘fine’ almost the whole time, the Yeti leaves feeling happy. Jalisa is still confident. They also managed to build up some romantic interest.

28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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