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28 Blind Dates – Date 5: Solo Date (Knight)

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The time for Jalisa’s date with Merlin comes and goes…and he has yet to arrive. Right, when Jalisa begins to think she’s been stood up…he comes running up.

Knight: I’m so sorry I’m late. There was an emergency at work that I had to take care of.

Jalisa is slightly irritated but tries to be understanding.

Voidcritter: That’s okay…things happen.

Knight tells a joke to lighten the mood…

Knight: Hey…I’ve got a joke for you.

Voidcritter: Okay

Knight: Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly… and for the same reason.***

Voidcritter: *laughs* That’s pretty funny.

Knight: So, what do you want to do?

Voidcritter: There’s a picnic blanket set up in the back of the park…how about we go there?

Source –  http://www.laughfactory.com/jokes/political-jokes

Knight: Sounds good, let’s go!

Jalisa likes Merlin’s ability to take charge.  It takes some pressure off of her. They walk over to the pillows situated on a tarp and sit down.

Knight: Are you hungry?

Voidcritter: Not right now, thanks. Are you?

Knight: No, but I can use a cup of coffee. How about you?

Voidcritter: That works for me.

Merlin gets up to make coffee. Jalisa follows…

Voidcritter: So, I have to ask…why the knight costume? Is it supposed to be a knight in shining armor, rescuing the princess type of thing?

Knight: Not at all. I value an independent woman. I’m not looking to rescue anyone, and you don’t seem like someone who’d need it. I can tell you’ve got it together.

Voidcritter: *swoons* Thank you.

Knight: But…if you were my woman, I’d protect you. I’d never let anyone get away with doing you wrong. Not saying you couldn’t do that yourself…but I’d definitely have your back.

Voidcritter: Well…the costume is incredibly sexy and definitely makes me want to see who’s under it.

Knight: Wow…that’s amazing to hear.

Voidcritter: I’m serious. You really stand out…even in costume. You have a way about you.

Knight: I could say the same thing about you…and I am. The sound of your voice, your laugh…the way you walk – it drives me crazy.

Voidcritter: *lots of blushing* Thanks

Both Jalisa and Merlin are happy at this point.

Jalisa: Most of my jokes on these dates have flopped so far, but I have one you might be able to appreciate.

Knight: Hit me with it…

Jalisa: *chuckles* This is terrible, but a girl walks into a grocery store and asks the stock boy if he has any nuts. The guy says, “No, ma’am.” She says, “Well, do you have any dates?” And he says, “Ma’am, if I don’t have nuts, do you really expect me to have dates?” ***

Knight: *instant laughter* That one’s pretty good. I like it!

Jalisa: Finally! A guy with a sense of humor!

A stranger walks over and nods towards the coffee machine…

Stranger: Do you mind?

Knight: No…go right ahead.

The stranger pours himself a cup of coffee.

Knight: This is fun…I hope I get a chance to do this with you again.

Voidcritter: I’m hoping for even more than that, but…we’ll take it one date at a time.

The stranger grunts in disapproval. Jalisa and Merlin decide to take their flirting elsewhere. They sit down at a nearby table.

Voidcritter: So if we had a chance to go on a regular date…where would you want to go?

Knight: Somewhere outdoors…a date under the stars.

Voidcritter: Outdoors?

Knight: Don’t tell me you don’t like nature.

Voidcritter: I mean…I do, but I expected you to say the typical thing…a movie and maybe dinner at some fancy restaurant. You know…with expensive fine cuisine.

Source: https://unijokes.com/dating-jokes/

Knight: That’s not my style. Food is food. As long as it’s not meat, it doesn’t matter whether it’s considered ‘fine’ or not. What exactly is fine cuisine anyway? Two bites, placed on a plate…over-priced because the chef decided it should be? No…a date in the great outdoors is where it’s at. You can’t put a price on a meal out in the fresh air, with a waterfall backdrop.

Jalisa can’t argue with the last part, but…

Voidcritter: C’mon…you can’t just say food is food. Have you ever had perfectly broiled Lobster and asparagus dipped in hot butter and garlic?

Knight: The asparagus, but not the lobster. I’m vegetarian.

Voidcritter: Well…it’s to die for and cannot be compared to a garden salad.

Knight: I’ll take your word for it!

Jalisa has really enjoyed this time with Merlin and isn’t quite ready for it to end.

Voidcritter: Well, I have another date scheduled, but I hate to say goodbye.

They stand and share a hug.

Knight: It’s not goodbye for long, right?

Voidcritter: I hope not.

Knight: Well…goodbye for now. I look forward to doing this again.

Voidcritter: Me too!

The knight walks away feeling very happy …Jalisa watches him until he’s gone. She’s happy as well…

28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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