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28 Blind Dates – Date 6: Solo Date (Gnome)

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Andrew arrives at the park right on time, in a playful mood. Jalisa starts out in a happy mood, then becomes playful as well.

Voidcritter: Hey, Andrew…how’s your day so far?

Gnome: Good…great, actually. How about yours?

Voidcritter: So far, so good. What would you like to do today?

Gnome: I noticed some chess tables over there. Do you play chess?

Voidcritter: I’m not very good, but maybe you can give me some pointers.

Gnome: Sure thing.

Voidcritter: *at the chess table* So…what are some things that you like to do?

Gnome: Let’s see…I like to read, I work as a gardener, so of course, I enjoy that. I make flower arrangements…mostly as gifts for people I know.

Voidcritter: How cool!

Gnome: Yeah…and, you know…hanging out with my friends and trying to teach my cat a few tricks, but she’s a bit stubborn.

Voidcritter: *chuckles* I didn’t know cats could learn tricks.

Gnome: Oh yeah…it’s possible with a lot of time and patience.

Suddenly a little girl steps up to them and completely interrupts their conversation.

Little Girl: Why do you have costumes on? It’s not Spooky Day.

Gnome: Uh…yeah, we know. It’s for a special project.

Little Girl: A project? Like for school?

Gnome: No…not for school.

Jalisa begins to feel a bit uncomfortable because she has to go to the restroom really bad.

Vodcritter: Andrew…can you excuse me for a moment? The “little girl’s room” is calling me.

Jalisa is sitting on the toilet, humming to herself when suddenly the door opens and Andrew walks in.

Voidcritter: Andrew! What the hell?? *gets up in a hurry*

Gnome: *immediately closes eyes* I thought there were stalls! I thought there were stalls!

Voidcritter: Can you just…?

Jalisa hurries over to the sink to wash her hands. Andrew is just standing there…most likely frozen in shock. He follows automatically when Jalisa leaves the restroom.

Gnome: I’m so sorry. I thought there would be stalls…

Voidcritter: It’s okay…I guess I forgot to lock the door. Anybody could have walked in.

Gnome: I feel really terrible about it. We can end this now…if you want.

Voidcritter: No…I don’t see the need to do that. It’s not like you could really see anything. I’m in costume…

Jalisa attempts a self-deprecating joke to make Andrew feel better…

Voidcitter: I guess it’s not the first time I’ve been caught with my pants down *chuckles*

Gnome: Oh, Watcher! Please don’t mention “pants down”! It makes me feel bad all over again.

Voidcritter: No, I – didn’t mean to…uh

Jalisa tries to think of a way to get this date back on track…

Vodicritter: How about we forget this ever happened and just…go grab something to eat? There’s a picnic blanket right over there…

Gnome: No, yeah…sure. I g-guess I could eat.

They walk over to the picnic blanket, and Jalisa opens the cooler.

Jalisa grabs a bowl of granola…suddenly, Andrew takes off running.

Voidcritter: *to herself* What in the – ?

Jalisa runs after him and finds him mopping up a mess on the playground. Jalisa isn’t sure if this date can be redeemed. Both she and Andrew are way too embarrassed at this point. He finally stops mopping and walks over. Jalisa tries the usual date questions and banter but eventually gives up.

Voidcritter: Are you even still interested in building a relationship with me?

Gnome: I don’t know. Everything is just strange now.

Voidcritter: Yeah…let’s just put ourselves out of our misery.

Relieved, Andrew turns to leave…

Voidcritter: Bye, Andrew…see you later.

Not surprisingly, there’s no hug and no romantic relationship built. Andrew and Jalisa leave the date feeling embarrassed.

(The Voidcritter) *deep sigh* Today’s dates have been…interesting. Esteban, the Yeti, was very neutral and nonchalant during our date. The conversation was lacking at times. He seemed to be holding back for some reason. He responded well to flirting, so maybe there could be something there. I don’t know, we’ll have to see. *smiles* Merlin was late for our date. He apologized, and it sounds like he had good reason. Other than that…he’s basically amazing. I mean…he’s so easy going. I could see myself falling for his mind…I can tell he’s intelligent. He’s so fun to talk to and even to argue with. There’s a swag about him…something very sexy and manly. I didn’t want to say goodbye to him. Now Andrew… *on cue, Andrew runs by heading the other way* the date with Andrew was just – bizarre. I went to the restroom, and he walked in. At first, I thought it was creepy…but Andrew was just as horrified as I was, and I realized it was an accident. We were both so embarrassed by it that I had a hard time feeling anything romantic towards him, and he didn’t really seem interested anymore. Who knows what’ll happen now. I just know that I’m done with dates for today. I guess I’ll go home and cry for a while…

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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