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28 Blind Dates – Date 7: Solo Date (Bear)

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Jalisa returns home to decompress and eventually finds her happy place.

But, who knew that Chef Green could get down like this??

Jalisa and Thomas arrive at the park, first thing in the morning the next day. They are both in a playful mood.

Voidcritter: Hi Thomas, good to see you. *sigh* I hate that it’s so cloudy today.

Bear: Clouds are perfect, though.

Voidcritter: How so?

Bear: Do you mind if I show you?

Voidcritter: Sure

Thomas leads her to a patch of grass and lies down.

Bear: Now, we just lie down here…

Voidcritter: In the grass?

Bear: Yeah, come on.

Jalisa reluctantly joins him.

Bear: *points* Now look up! You see how as the clouds move…they form different shapes – almost like pictures in the sky.

Voidcritter: Oh, wow!

Bear: See? That one there sort of looks like a –

Voidcritter: – heart! It looks just like a heart.

Bear: Right…

After a few minutes of cloud gazing.

Voidcritter: Wow…this is so relaxing. I’ve never done this before.

Bear: I do it all the time…especially if I’m feeling a bit down, or stressed.

After spending some time there on the ground, they both get up feeling inspired.

Voidcritter: *grins* You know, I’ve always been too busy worrying about getting stuff in my hair to ever lie down on the ground.

Bear: *chuckles* Sometimes it takes getting stuff in your hair to really relax.

Voidcritter: You’re like a breath of fresh air right now, Thomas. This is a great way to start the day. I really needed this…thanks.

Bear: I’m happy to share this with you. Is everything okay, though?

Voidcritter: Yeah…overall, it is. I can’t lie, there’s been a few rough dates so far.

Bear: I’m sorry to hear that. I hope there’s something I can do to help make it better.

Voidcritter: I could use another one of your big bear hugs right now.

Thomas happily obliges…but he lingers a bit longer with this hug. The hug is nice and puts them both in a flirty mood.

After the hug…Jalisa blows Thomas a kiss and he pretends to catch it.

Bear: What’s that for?

Voidcritter: For being so sweet. Want to walk for a bit?

Bear: Sure…

As they walk along…

Voidcritter: These costumes are so darn bulky and awkward sometimes.

Bear: *laughs* Yeah…I’ve been bumping into everything all morning.

Voidcritter: I can’t believe we’re all actually doing this…I mean, it’s a bit crazy when you think about it. An extreme blind date…

Bear: It’s not that crazy…I mean, in what other situation would we be given a chance to really get to know each other without physical appearance getting in the way?

Voidcritter: Online?

Bear: Yeah, but it’s way too easy to pretend to be someone else when hidden behind a computer screen.

Voidcritter: That’s true

Jalisa and Thomas sit down on a bench…

Voidcritter: Okay…so tell me a little bit about what you like to do.

Bear:  Well…I work a lot and I enjoy that.

Voidcritter: What do you do?

Bear: I’m a self-employed carpenter.

Voidcritter: Wow! So, you make furniture and stuff like that.

Bear: Whatever I’ve been commissioned to make…I make it.

Voidcritter: So cool!

Bear: But, I also enjoy hiking, fishing, camping…you know regular outdoor stuff. What about you?

Voidcritter: Besides work, I enjoy listening to music…and I like food. A lot! So I tend to do a lot of eating out at different restaurants.

Bear: Eating out is fine, but nothing beats a fine home-cooked meal.

Voidcritter: Maybe…as long as I’m not the one doing the cooking.

Bear: Yeah, well…

Voidcritter: Okay, fair warning…I’m terrible at jokes, but I’ve obligated myself to try at least two jokes out on each of these dates.

Bear: We’re all terrible at something. Let’s hear it…

Voidcritter:  Okay, so a guy goes out dressed like a chicken and meets a girl who’s dressed like an egg.

Bear: Okay…

Voidcritter: One thing led to another, and a lifelong question was answered…it was the chicken.

Bear: The chicken…? Oh…what came first the chicken or the – *begins laughing* Ha! That’s pretty funny.

Voidcritter: *laughs with him* Thank you. Can I ask you something?

Bear: That’s what I’m here for…

Voidcritter: Why are you still single? I’m sure that bear hug has won the heart of some lucky lady.

Bear: I just haven’t found anyone who’s on the same wavelength as I am. I’m a laid back sort of person, and a lot of women nowadays are constantly on the move. Most of them find me boring.

Voidcritter: That’s too bad. They’re really missing out.

Bear: Or, they’ve done me a favor.

Voidcritter: Well…it’s been great spending time with you.

Bear: You too. One last hug for the road?

Voidcritter: Of course!

Jalisa and Thomas end the date in a flirty mood and have developed some romantic interest.

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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