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28 Blind Dates – Date 8: Solo Date (Panda)

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Jalisa is still feeling flirty and inspired when Angus arrives for their date. He’s in a basic ‘fine’ mood.

Voidcritter: Hello Angus. How are you?

Panda: I’m good…and you?

Voidcritter: I can’t complain. It’s good to see you.

Panda: Good to see you too.

Voidcritter: There’s something that I’ve been dying to do and you seem like the perfect companion for it.

Panda: What’s that?

Voidcritter: Swing! Let’s go…

Panda: Do they even allow adults on the swing?

Voidcritter: Relax Angus…it’s a public park – we’re allowed to do whatever we want.

Panda: Within reason of course…

Jalisa and Angus arrive at the swings and sit down.

Panda: I haven’t been on a swing in ages.

Angus begins to swing which immediately puts him a happy mood.

Voidcritter: Now swing as high as you can…then close your eyes! It’ll make you feel like your flying!

Panda: *follows Jalisa’s instructions* Whoa! It makes my stomach feel funny, though!

Voidcritter: That’s the feeling of being free.

After swinging for a while…they each slow the swings down to a stop.

Voidcritter: They should make a playground just for adults…that way, we don’t feel bad about hogging up all the playground equipment from the kids.

Panda: Yeah…and then we won’t feel so self-conscious and embarrassed about behaving like a child.

Voidcritter: You are so cute!

Panda: But you don’t know what I look like.

Voidcritter: Your energy is cute! There’s something really pure about you. I feel safe around you…like you’d never do anything to hurt me.

Panda: Well, I don’t set out to hurt anyone, really.

Voidcritter: You strike me as someone who needs more fun in their life. I think I can definitely show you fun, but you would have to be willing…like you are now!

Panda: I want to have more fun…definitely!

Voidcritter: Good!

Panda: I feel like I’m stuck in a routine. I wake-up, go to work, come home, rinse, and repeat. I’m ready for more than that…that’s why I’m here.

Voidcritter: Well…let’s test out your sense of humor. Want to hear a joke?

Panda: Sure

Voidcritter: *laughs* Okay…here goes *pauses* I’m so bad at this but knock knock…

Panda: Who’s there?

Voidcritter: De Niro.

Panda: De Niro, who?

Voidcritter: De Niro I am to you, the more I like you.

Angus takes it as a flirt, which Jalisa thinks is so cute. It puts them both in a flirty mood.

Voidcritter: Okay…I have one more for you! Ready?

Panda: Sure…

Voidcritter: Okay…knock, knock

Panda: Who’s there?

Voidcritter: Needle

Panda: Needle, who?

Voidcritter: Needle little love right now!

Panda: *laughs* I’m just corny enough to get it.

Joke Source: http://2jokes.net/knock-knock-jokes/top-funny-flirty-knock-knock-jokes-for-him.html

Voidcritter: Sometimes we need a little corny in the world, you know? Guys can be so darn serious at times.

Panda: Not many women believe that…that’s for sure.

Voidcritter: So I take it, you haven’t had much of a love life.

Panda: Love life? What’s that? *chuckles* I think the only woman to ever love me is my mom, and sometimes I think that was out of obligation.

Voidcritter: Well, I think you’re very lovable, but you have to believe it yourself.

Voidcritter:  Our time is up, but can you do me one last favor?

Panda: Sure…what do you need?

Voidcritter: I’d like you to push me on the swing!

Panda: *laughs* Of course!

Jalisa moves over to the swing next to Angus, and he gives her a big push.

Afterward, they end the date with a big hug. They’re both in a flirty mood and have built some romantic interest in each other.

(The Voidcritter) Today has been a great day. My date with Thomas was amazing. He has this deep baritone voice that goes perfectly with his bear hugs, which are the best. I like him…he knew just what I needed, and he laughed at my jokes! He earned an extra romantic interaction with that embrace at the end. I’m glad his costume is so bulky because I’m sure there was more that came with that hug. I admit I was still thinking about Thomas when Angus arrived. I know that’s not fair to him, but Angus is fun and adorable. I know I have no idea what he looks like, but his spirit is open…you know, ready for new things. I like that. Most guys want to front like they’ve already got it all figured out, which leaves no room for growth in a relationship.

Now that the solo dates are done…it’s time for another elimination, but I’m going to need some help with that!

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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