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28 Blind Dates – Date 14: Karaoke Date (Raccoon)

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Today is the last solo date before the next elimination. Jalisa passes by the pictures in the hallway of all the nice guys that have been eliminated so far. It makes her sad that even more photos will be filling the wall soon.

Jalisa and Mile’s relationship is not high enough for her to invite him on a date. They are still just acquaintances,  so they have to settle for an “invite to hangout” interaction. This gives him a bit of a disadvantage, but he still has an opportunity to make it to the next round if this date goes well.

They arrive at the karaoke bar early and greet each other with a friendly hug. Jalisa is inspired, and Miles is happy.

Raccoon: *after sitting down* I feel lucky to still be in this competition.

Voidcritter:  You’ve earned your spot. And honestly, I feel like it was my fault that you were even close to being eliminated.

Raccoon: I’m the one that couldn’t take a joke.

Voidcritter: It was a tasteless joke…and I’m very sorry that I was insensitive when I told it.

Raccoon: No need for any more apologies! We’re here to have some fun, so let’s do it!

Voidcritter: I love your energy.

Jalisa and Miles step up to the mic and choose a ballad. Like all the other guys, he can’t really sing, but he really put his all into it.

After the performance…

Raccoon: That was awesome! Not my singing, of course, but just…doing that with you!

Voidcritter: It was awesome and so much fun.

They sit down at a table and Miles autonomously blows Jalisa a kiss. She blows one back…

Raccoon: I…I wish that were real.

Voidcritter: What?

Raccoon: The kiss…I wish I could really kiss you. I mean…I-if you wanted to.

Voidcritter: Why wouldn’t I?

The exchange puts them both in a flirty mood and increases their romantic relationship.

Raccoon: I know I’m the underdog right now, but I really hope I make it to the end with you. It’s the only thing I can think of.

Jalisa wishes she can return his sentiments, but she knows it would be unfair to him…since there’s no way of telling what will happen as the competition goes on.

Voidcritter: Well, maybe we should focus on right here and now. How do you feel about bubble blowing?

Raccoon: I was probably the only one in college to have never tried it.

Voidcritter:  You definitely weren’t the only one. I never have either.

Raccoon: Sounds like something we should try together!

Raccoon leads the way to the bubble blower, they each grab a nozzle and give it a shot.

Raccoon: I really hope they sanitize these after each use. Oh well…here goes *deep inhale*

Miles goes into a coughing fit.

Raccoon: Ah! I have bubbles coming out of my nose.

Jalisa gives it shot and ends up spewing bubbles all over the place as she chokes on her attempt as well.

Raccoon: Hmmm…

Voidcritter: Not as much fun as I thought it would be.

Raccoon: I agree 100 percent.

The date ends there with both of them in a flirty mood and a relationship increase to lovebirds.

(The Voidcritter)  My 2nd date with Miles went well. He was a lot of fun and not nearly as uptight as he was the first time around. He could actually be a contender in this competition. This next elimination will be 10xs more difficult than the others. I don’t know what I’m going to do.

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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