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28 Blind Dates – Date 16: Guy’s Choice (Knight)

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It’s the first day of summer. Merlin wants Jalisa to meet him first thing in the morning in Glimmerbrook before it gets too hot. She wonders what he has in store for them. She eats a quick breakfast, then sets out to meet him on time.

Jalisa and Merlin hug each other in greeting at the base of a big hill in Glimmerbrook.

Voidcritter: So…what are we doing here?

Knight: We’re going to hike up this hill.

Merlin begins leading Jalisa towards it…

Voidcritter: Oh wait…you’re serious!

Knight: Very…

Voidcritter: *nervously glances up to the top of the hill* I guess I forgot to tell you that I’m allergic to hiking, mountains, oh…and wilderness in general.

Knight: Trust me…this will be worth it once we get to the top!

Voidcritter: I’ll just have to take your word for it. Um…so, do you do this type of thing often?

Knight: At least once a week…but I’d usually be jogging.

Voidcritter: Up a hill??

About halfway up…Jalisa stops to admire the view.

Voidcritter: It’s actually very pretty up here

Knight: It’s prettier at the top.

Voidcritter: But it’s also high at the top. I think I might be afraid of heights.

Knight: I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.

Voidcritter: You promise, promise? …Cause you know this is how you get those stories about people going missing after hiking. I don’t want to be one of those people, Merlin.

Knight: This hill isn’t big enough to go missing.

Merlin leads Jalisa to the path that’ll take them to the top…

Knight: This part’s a little steep, so watch your step.

Voidcritter: Okay…don’t give out on me, ankles!

Eventually, they make it to the top. The view takes Jalisa’s breath away…

Voidcritter: Wow, this is…

Knight: Amazing, incredible…beautiful – just like you!

Voidcritter: Awww, thanks. I’ve never done anything like this. I’m sorry for being so difficult before.

Knight: You could never be difficult. Should we take a selfie?

Voidcritter: Of course…it’s required!

After taking a few pictures…they sit down and chat.

Voidcritter: I’ve never been an outdoorsy type of person, but I guess it’s because I’ve never been exposed to this type of thing.

Knight: The outdoors is a major part of my life, and I’d give anything to get a chance to share this type of thing with you for the rest of it…

Voidcritter: I can actually see it…I can see doing more of this. But…how do we get down?

Knight: Run?

It’s incredibly hot by the time they make it back down the hill. They go by the water…hoping it’ll be cooler.

Knight: As a reward for taking a chance with me out here…I’m going to cook for you!

Voidcritter: Did you just say, cook? Now you’re not playing fair. Food is my favorite thing!

Merlin begins grilling up some fruit, while Jalisa grabs a drink from the cooler and sits down at the picnic table. After everything has been grilled to perfection, Merlin brings it to the table and sits down.

Voidcritter: So…how long have you been vegetarian?

Knight: Since a little before I started college.

Voidcritter: And you don’t miss meat at all?

Knight: I did in the beginning…I even cheated a few times by going out and ordering the biggest burger I could find. But then I’d start thinking about where the meat comes from…and I’d find myself feeling sick to my stomach. Now I don’t miss it at all.

Voidcritter: I admit that I’m veggie curious…if that’s a thing.

Knight: You truly fascinate me…you know that? You’re so open and nonjudgmental. I absolutely love that about you!

Voidcritter: Something about you brings it out of me. It’s like…I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me next. I feel like I’ve been missing so much in my life…and you are the type of person that can show me what it is.

Knight: I’d be honored to be that person.

Jalisa blows him a kiss. The date ends with a hug, but with a lot of the date goals unfulfilled. The relationship level has increased to lovers.

(The Voidcritter) That was actually a great date. I never thought I’d enjoy something like that, but I did. It was nice having Merlin’s undivided attention. I definitely want to see more of him. In fact…I feel like I might be falling for him.

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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