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28 Blind Dates – Date 19: Guy’s Choice (Bear)

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Thomas and Jalisa meet at a park in Oasis Springs. Jalisa hopes that their date will not involve being outside for too long, but once again…it’s unbelievably hot in Oasis Springs. It doesn’t help that they are still a bit wet from the heavy rain in Newcrest. It dampens their moods a bit…literally.

Voidcritter: *worried* Will the date be here at this park?

Bear: No, we’re getting out of this heat, but I’m afraid it’ll require a bit of a hike.

Voidcritter: *reluctant* Okay…I guess we’d better get on with it then.

Thomas leads the way…and Jalisa tries her best to concentrate on how beautiful the scenery is to help keep her mind off the sweat that’s beginning to drip down her face under the costume.

They eventually arrive at a boarded-up cave. Jalisa is unsure what they could possibly be doing here. Thomas steps up and begins removing the boards. Jalisa watches him work…a bit afraid of them possibly trespassing, but impressed at Thomas’ strength and stamina at the same time.

The path to Thomas’ ultimate destination is iffy, and Jalisa becomes a bit nervous several times, but Thomas remains right by her side, making sure nothing happens to her. She feels safe with him…

Once they arrive…Jalisa looks around in complete awe. She’s never, ever in her life been anywhere so amazing. Thomas stands behind and stretches his back in an attempt to recover from all of the physical exertions that it took to get here.

Voidcritter: How do you know about this place? It’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.

Bear: I did a lot of research in preparing for this date. I stumbled upon a mention of this place. I read how amazing it was, but also how it’s been boarded up for decades.

Voidcritter: Will we get in trouble for being here?

Bear: Maybe…but someone would have to find us first. Come on…let’s look around.

The deeper they go in…the more beautiful it is. The air is cool…a perfect contrast to the oppressive heat outside. Jalisa inhales deeply…allowing some of it to feel her lungs. It feels heavier somehow and is laced with the natural scent of rock and metal that she can smell and sort of taste at the same time. There ‘s some type of crystal growing high up on the cliff. She supposes that this was once some type of mine.

Bear: *as if he read her mind* This mine was shut down about 80 years after being used for decades.

Thomas’ voice echoes within the large chamber, which is a bit disconcerting, and startles Jalisa at first.

Voidcritter: Why was it shut down?

Bear: No one knows…or if they know – they won’t say. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding it. Some believe it’s because some guys were killed during a massive cave-in.  Others think that the company that was responsible for the operations eventually went bankrupt. The only thing I do know for sure is that the water here is supposed to be the purest water you could ever drink…or fish in. I thought we could try it.

Voidcritter: Drinking it?

Bear: No…fishing in it.

Voidcritter: Sure…sounds interesting.

(Note: Thomas took a big chance bringing Jalisa here for his date because an “official” date is not possible here. Instead, he does his best to make sure she is comfortable and is enjoying herself.)

After some time…Thomas manages to catch a fish, but Jalisa comes up empty-handed. He leads her closer to the entrance of the cave and begins setting up some portable camping items…including a stereo. He puts on some romantic music and lights the campfire. Jalisa is impressed…

Voidcritter: You thought of everything.

It puts her in a really flirty mood. Thomas prepares the fish and begins to roast it on the fire. Jalisa watches him work…

Voidcritter: Do you cook often? I remember you mentioning that you prefer homecooked meals.

Bear: I work far too much to really get much cooking done. I may grill something from time to time, but I really miss my mom’s meals. She makes the best pumpkin pie you’ve ever had in your life.

Voidcritter:  I think it’s only fair that you know upfront…I don’t cook. I can barely boil water.

Bear: Yeah, you mentioned that you eat out a lot.

Voidcritter: Is that a problem for you? If we were together and neither of us really cooks…where would you get your homecooked meals from?

Bear: It would be about compromise, I guess. I’m a very laid back, old-fashioned person. I’m seen how my parents have worked together over the years to run our household.

Thomas finishes roasting the fish.

Bear: Would you like some?

Voidcritter: No, thanks…I’m not that adventurous yet.

Bear: Nothing beats fresh fish…you’re really missing out. *begins eating*

Jalisa has a crucial question for Thomas.

Voidcritter: So what does, old-fashioned mean, exactly? Because I see myself as the complete opposite of old-fashioned. Honestly, that entire phrase makes me nervous.

Bear:  I don’t mean old-fashion in the traditional 1950s sense. I just prefer a simpler way of life, that’s all.

It’s beginning to sound to Jalisa that she and Thomas may be very incompatible in a major way. She doesn’t want to spend the date questioning him about it, so she drops it. Thomas finishes his fish and slides over, hoping that Jalisa will join him on the seat, but she’s trying to work her mind around what he just revealed to her.

The date comes to an end. Thomas gets up to give Jalisa a hug, but without even thinking about it…she takes a step back, rejecting his embrace.

Voidcritter: I’m sorry, Thomas…you’ve given me a lot to think about.

Bear: Yeah…I guess I have. I’m so sorry.

(The Voidcritter) This was by far the most thoughtful and romantic date, but it feels like I was there with a stranger suddenly. I love being shown new things, and it’s impressive that Thomas planned his date in a cave. The aesthetic was amazing, and I felt flirty towards him almost the whole time…until he dropped the “old-fashioned” bomb on me. I’m not sure exactly what to think or feel about that.

 28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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