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28 Blind Dates – Date 26: Romantic Dinner (Bunny)

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Jalisa’s last dinner date is with Nate. They embrace in front of the Old Salt House in the Spice District of San Myshuno and go in to request a table. The Old Salt House is known for booking some of the best entertainment.

Voidcritter: *while glancing at the menu* I wonder who’s playing tonight.

Bunny: Hopefully, not that bitter comedian from the Brewery.

Voidcritter: *chuckles* Oh my goodness…she was terrible, wasn’t she?

Bunny: The worst…

Voidcritter: *laughs* But better than me, though.

Bunny: *grins* That’s debatable. At least you try to tell a decent joke.

Voidcritter: Does dating really have to be as hard as she made it out to be?

Bunny: I don’t know. I never put much effort into it.

Voidcritter: No?

Bunny: Finding love was never at the top of my list. I never set out to start a family or find the so-called ”love of my life.” Then I met you and all of that changed.

Voidcritter: How sweet!

Bunny: I mean it. Now I can’t think of anything but starting a life and possibly a family with you.

Jalisa definitely gets “single life,” party animal vibes from Nate, so this expression from him means the world to her.

The waiter, who introduces himself as Joaquin, comes over to take their order. Jalisa orders the Savory Bacon Love Petals and a Simsmapolitan. Nate orders the Artisan Fish trio with a Hot & Smoky drink.

Bunny: I guess that’s safe since we can’t kiss, and I don’t have to worry about knocking you out with bad fish breath.

Voidcritter: *laughs* Right!

Joaquin leaves, and Jalisa begins asking some of her tough questions.

Voidcritter: You brought up starting a family…which usually means kids.

Bunny: Right…

Voidcritter: How much say do you believe that children should have in a family?

Bunny: Well, I’m sure you’ve heard old folks saying that kids should be seen and not heard, right?

Voidcritter: Definitely

Bunny: That’s complete bullshit. How are we supposed to raise confident future leaders if our kids are raised to not speak up? Yeah, they should be respectful and not get completely outta pocket, but if I’m not doing my job as a parent, our kids have every right to let me know.

Voidcritter: I agree with that. My parents were great at letting me have a voice. They even included me in some important family decisions. I think that’s what led to me pursuing law as a career. A profession where my voice is important…

Bunny: Exactly! Sounds like you had great parents.

Voidcritter: Well, they weren’t perfect. *melancholy tone* I recently found out that my mother once had an affair.

Bunny: Oh, wow…

Voidcritter: Crazy…because I had no idea. What do you think about that? About infidelity?

Bunny: I’ve been cheated on before. We weren’t that serious, but it still hurt like hell because I thought we were possibly getting there.  You know, sometime in the faaar future. *unamused chuckle*

Voidcritter: Sorry to hear that.

Bunny: It was partly my fault, because like I said before…I didn’t put much effort into dating. But to answer your question… sometimes cheating can be a symptom of an internal issue. No one can really make you happy if you haven’t found happiness within yourself…so you go out searching for someone you think can make you happy.

Voidcritter: Good point…

Voidcritter: Is not being satisfied with woohoo with your partner a good reason to cheat?

Bunny: If I wasn’t satisfied with woohoo…then maybe I’m not doing something right. If I can satisfy you better…wouldn’t that mean that I’d be happier? And if I suck at woohoo, why go out there and try to find someone else to disappoint? Why spread the disappointment around?

Voidcritter: *laughs*

Nate and Jalisa pause their conversation long enough to listen to the pianist who has taken the stage.

Voidcritter: This is beautiful…

Nate’s eyes have never left Jalisa.

Bunny: You’re beautiful…

Voidcritter: *joking tone* My costume?

Bunny: *chuckles* No. *serious tone* I mean your essence, your aura…everything that makes you, you.

Nate’s words feel warm and sincere. It makes Jalisa blush all over…if that’s possible.

Voidcritter: *leaves her seat* I’m going to go tip the performers.

The singer on the stage thanks her…

Singer: Thanks, our next song goes out to the lovely couple in… *confused* costumes?

Singer: *begins to sing, as the musicians accompany him*

It’s undeniable
That we should be together
It’s unbelievable
How I used to say

That I’d fall never
The basis is need to know
If you don’t know
Just how I feel

Then let me show you now
That I’m for real
If all things in time
Time will reveal

You’re like a dream come true
Just want to be with you
Girl, it’s plain to see
That you’re the only one for me
And four
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I’ll start back at one (

Nate and Jalisa listen. The selection is perfect. Nate stares at Jalisa from time to time…allowing the words of the song to speak for him. After the song is over, Nate clears his throat and the emotion that has suddenly bubbled up within him.

Bunny: *humorous tone* Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like my stomach is trying to eat itself.

Voidcritter: The service here is a bit slow, right?

Bunny: It’s nonexistent. Let’s get outta here before we both pass out.

Jalisa and Nate leave the restaurant and step out into the night air.

Voidcritter: What now?

Bunny: There’s a food booth right over there. Want to go see what they have?

Voidcritter: Sure…

After they’ve eaten their fill, Jalisa and Nate walk over to the waterfront. Jalisa stares out over the water, but Nate only has eyes for her.

Bunny: These dates are really tough on me…

Jalisa has an idea why, but she asks anyway…

Voidcritter: Why do you say that?

Bunny: It’s hard not to be able to see you and hold you properly. I can’t kiss you…or look into your eyes to tell you how much I love you.

Jalisa walks over and places her hand where his cheek would be…

Voidcritter: *deep inhale* Love me?

Bunny: Yes…I’m in love with you.

Voidcritter: I love y –

Bunny: Please…don’t say that.

Voidcritter: Why not?

Bunny: I’ll be devastated if you say that, and I don’t win this thing.

Voidcritter: *desperate* What should I do?

Bunny: For now?

Voidcritter: *long pause* Forever?

Bunny: I can’t tell you what to do. That wouldn’t be fair to you.

Nate’s poignant tone tugs at Jalisa’s own emotions…

Voidcritter: I don’t know what to do…

Bunny: You’ll know when it’s time. *pause* I’d better go…

Nate hugs Jalisa as if it’s the last time he’ll ever do so. They remain that way for a while. Jalisa hears Nate sniffling as if he might be crying. It immediately brings tears to her own eyes. Without another word…he turns and walks away.

~~~Jalisa’s Thoughts~~~

(The Voidcritter) He said he loved me. I mean, I suspected it…but to hear it. I love him too…I’ve known it for a while, but he’s not the only one. I j-just…I just don’t know what to do.

28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 


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