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28 Blind Dates – Date 27: Getaway (Bunny – Part 1)

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Jalisa and Nate head off to Granite Falls for an overnight date. This time, both Nate and Jalisa are in control, and their goal is to increase their relationship levels as much as possible.

Bunny: *standing in front of the cabin* This is really nice!

Voidcritter: It is! It’s so quiet and peaceful here.

Bunny: Let’s see what we’re working with inside…

Jalisa and Nate enter the cabin and look around…

Bunny: I could actually live in something like this. It’s so cozy…

Voidcritter: I prefer my townhouse, but it is a beautiful place to stay overnight…and it beats being outside in a tent.

Bunny: That’s for sure! Let’s see where we’ll be sleeping.

They enter the bedroom and see that there is only 1 bed.

Bunny: Now they’re playing. How is this supposed to work?

Voidcritter: I don’t know…

Bunny: I guess I’ll be sleeping on the couch.

Voidcritter: I mean…you don’t have to.

Bunny: Believe me…I definitely have to.

They sit down on the ottoman at the foot of the bed.

Bunny: Under different circumstances…this would be ideal.

Voidcritter: How do you mean?

Bunny: If we weren’t in these costumes…we could get all cozy, maybe spend some time in the hot tub. Then, I’d put my arm around you…like this *places his arm around Jalisa’s shoulder*. Then I’d feel that your shoulders are all tensed up…and I’d rub them, like this and maybe kiss your neck…and –

Voidcritter: And?

Bunny: We’d better leave it at that. I’m getting excited just talking about it. Maybe we should go outside and cool off.

Voidcritter: Yeah…good idea.

Outside, Nate and Jalisa stand by the strange pond outback.

Bunny: What do you think those are?

Voidcritter: I don’t know…I’ve never seen anything like it.

Bunny: Some strange backwoods bugs or something, maybe? I am not about this camping life…too many odd bugs and creatures.

Voidcritter: Me, either. Give me the city any day!

Bunny: Exactly! Or better yet, the Newcrest suburbs and I can choose when or if I want to visit the city. I work in San Myshuno, and it can get real old real fast.

Voidcritter: So…if we end up together, after all of this – you’d be okay with living in Newcrest, with me?

Bunny: *takes Jalisa’s hands* Newcrest is home for me…you’re like home to me. I’m comfortable there, and being there with you would only be that much better. We could spend our nights, cozied up at home where there’s peace and quiet…and on the weekends, live it up at the city festivals or visit a bar or restaurant.

Voidcritter: Definitely restaurants…I’d love that.

Bunny: Me too…cause I can’t cook worth a damn.

Voidcritter: Ha! Me either…I say you leave that to the experts.

Bunny: Should we go see what else this place has to offer since we’re here?

Voidcritter: Sure! Race you to the river *takes off running*

Bunny: *calls after her* That’s cheating!  You didn’t even give me a chance to react!

Standing by the river…

Voidcritter: This is actually nice. I wouldn’t mind doing this from time to time.

Bunny: I wouldn’t either. I just wish I was a bit more outdoorsy. It looks like it would be a nice place to fish, but I’ve never even held a fishing pole before.

Jalisa recalls trying to fish with Thomas during their date in the cave. As much as she loves the things that she’s familiar with…it was refreshing to actually try something new. She keeps those thoughts to herself, though.

Voidcritter: Yeah…it might be fun.

Nate cannot get the single bed out of his mind. It’s a shame that nothings going to happen in it, but he can still imagine it. Jalisa’s thoughts are in a slightly different place. All she can think about is how much fun she has with Nate. There’s an air about him that takes up space and gives life to everything around him. She likes it but isn’t quite sure how to express it to him.

Bunny: Should we go and get something to eat? There’s a burger bar not too far from the cabin.

Jalisa is relieved to know that there’s actually a restaurant nearby. She thought they’d end up trying to scrounge up something to eat on their own.

Voidcritter: *relieved* That actually sounds perfect.

It starts to rain just as they approach the burger bar, which threatens to put a damper on their plans because the seating at the burger bar is all outdoors. Just as they take their seat…the rain lets up a bit.

Bunny: The weather here is just as unpredictable as Newcrest.

Jalisa grabs one of the kiddie placemats and begins to color.

Voidcritter: I can never resist these things.

Nate chuckles. The waitress comes over to take their order. Jalisa orders an iced tea and a BLT. Nate orders a burger with a soda. It’s not exactly the type of meal they expected to get in the middle of the woods, but neither of them are complaining.

After the waitress has left…

Bunny: So, are you going to leave anything for me to color?

Voidcritter: *leans down protectively over the placemat* No…you should have gotten your own!

Bunny: *amused* Wow! So that’s how it is?

Nate and Jalisa laugh over their childlike banter. After their food has arrived…

Bunny: *earnest* You are so much fun to be around. There are so many interesting sides to you. You know how to be cultured and refined, but you’re also not afraid to let the more playful side out.

Voidcritter: Same thing I was thinking about you.

Bunny: *insecure chuckle* We match well, but is it enough?

Jalisa would love to reassure him, but to do so would be dishonest. She can only hope that it’s enough, but her feelings for Merlin are just as strong. She can see herself having this same conversation with him. She answers the best way she knows how…

Voidcritter: I don’t know…

Bunny: You don’t have to answer…that was rhetorical.

The question may have been rhetorical, but it sends them both deep into their own thoughts to search for an answer. Realizing that they’ve both gotten quiet…

Bunny: I didn’t mean to put a damper on this whole thing. I’m sorry. No more deep questions…let’s just have fun!

Voidcritter: I’m always down for fun. But don’t apologize. We still have to face the reality of this situation. There’s nothing wrong with asking the hard questions.

Bunny: Are you sure?

Voidcritter: *slightly nervous* Yeah

Bunny: Okay…so truthfully, what are my chances of winning this thing? You know how I feel about you…and I think I know how you feel about me, but then there’s Merlin. I have no idea what’s going on between you two.

Nate’s statement and question makes Jalisa regret trying to be so open. If she could take her words back…she would.

Voidcritter: If you really want to know, I care about him as much as I care about you.

Bunny: That’s what I thought…

Voidcritter: I love you both…I truly do, but you’re so different. I don’t know how this will go. I wish I did, so I could prepare you, but I don’t know. If only I could have met you before all of this. If I had met you on the street, then I have no doubt that we’d be together. You could easily be the love of my life. But this challenge complicates things…because I’ve met two guys that I could see spending the rest of my life with.

Nate thinks about that for a long time as they finish up their meal. It sucks, and he’d give anything for it all to be different. He comes to a decision…

Bunny: I love you…and nothing is going to change that. I cherish this time with you…and I’ll just have to enjoy it for what it is.

Voidcritter: I’ll enjoy it for what it is too.

Bunny: *more upbeat* Okay…well, I owe you a moonlight walk in the woods!

Voidcritter: *giggles* But, isn’t a moonlight walk supposed to occur on the beach?

Bunny: That’s only for idealized worlds…we are living in reality, which means getting eaten alive by bugs while walking in the woods!

Voidcritter: *laughs* Okay…so reality it is. Let’s go!

Nate entertains Jalisa with some of his jokes and humorous stories while they walk. At least, until the rain puts an end to their good time.

To be continued…

28 Blind Date Summaries  | read from the beginning 

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