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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 9)

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Morning, Noon, and Night Sickness

Jalisa and Merlin are back from their honeymoon. Unfortunately, the severe morning sickness has followed them home as well. Jalisa wakes up feeling violently ill. She makes it to the toilet right on time.

Merlin finds her on the treadmill when he gets up to get ready to leave for work.

Merlin: *concerned* What are you doing?

Jalisa: I’m making sure that I stay in shape during and after this pregnancy.

Merlin: Yeah, but running on the treadmill? Do you think that’s a good idea?

Jalisa: It is to me.

Merlin: But what about the baby? Is it safe?

Jalisa: Stop worrying, Merlin. We’ll be fine. You’d have to pry me off of this thing, so you might as well let it go.

Merlin: *uneasy* Okay, but maybe turn the speed down a bit.

Jalisa: Merlin! I’ll be fine.

Merlin doesn’t see the point in arguing, so he steps over to the computer to work on an app for work.

They both head off to work.

Merlin ends up having a very rough day at the job, which involves losing a critical investment. Jalisa has also has a rough day, but for an entirely different reason.

Merlin: How was work?

Jalisa: Awful, I’ve been sick all day.

Merlin: I’m so sorry.

Suddenly, Merlin’s day doesn’t seem so bad as he focuses on comforting his wife.

After a quick shower, Merlin prepares a surprise for Jalisa that he hopes will make her feel better. He cooks up some pasta primavera with plenty of fresh veggies. He hopes Jalisa’s stomach will tolerate it and that it will be good for the baby.

Jalisa comes upstairs and searching for Merlin. She notices that all the lights are out in the living room.

Jalisa: Merlin? Why is it so dark?

She soon sees why. Merlin is standing by the table with a nice candlelight dinner.

Jalisa: Merlin! This is so sweet.

Merlin is always planning the best surprises. She cannot wait until she’s feeling better so that she can return the favor. She sits down at the table and blows him a kiss.

It’s not until Jalisa finishes the entire plate that she realizes that something is wrong.

Jalisa: Was there garlic in this?

Merlin: Um…yes, I tend to go pretty heavy on the garlic. Why?

Jalisa jumps out of her seat and begins to run to the bathroom.

Jalisa: Oh, Watcher!

She makes it to the toilet, where the entire meal comes back up. Merlin proceeds to clean up the mess from dinner, making a mental note to exclude garlic from all dishes for Jalisa’s pregnancy duration.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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