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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 10)

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“We’re Having What?”

Jalisa and Merlin arrive at the Brooks Birthing Center in the small town of Glimmerbrook, 15 minutes before her appointment. Jalisa has been toying with the idea of having a natural, hospital free birth, so she did her research and convinced Merlin to check the place out with her.

She steps up to the receptionist.

Jalisa: Good morning! I have a 9 am appointment with Midwife Valeria McNeal.

According to the nameplate on her desk, the receptionist, whose name is Shawna, checks her computer.

Shawna: Yes, ma’am. I have you down here. Please have a seat, and someone will be right out to get you.

Merlin follows Jalisa to a couch in the waiting room.

Merlin: *concerned* So you’d rather have the baby here instead of a hospital?

Jalisa: Yes. Does that worry you?

Merlin:  Are you sure you’d be able to handle the pain? They don’t offer the heavy stuff in these birthing centers.

Jalisa: Yes, but they use more natural methods of pain management.

Merlin: Pain management is not the same as having no pain at all.

Shawna chuckles to herself. It’s always the fathers who are the most concerned about handling the pain of childbirth.

Jalisa: I know Merlin, but I’m confident that I’ll be fine. It’s healthier for the baby, and I’ll be able to get up and start moving as soon as the baby is born.

Merlin’s chance to further argue his point is interrupted when a birthing assistant steps into the waiting room.

Birthing Assistant: Jalisa Wells-Brown, please follow me.

Jalisa gets up, with Merlin reluctantly trailing behind.

Part of today’s visit includes an examination to determine if Jalisa and the baby are healthy enough to give birth in a birthing center. The assistant, named Kate, leads them to an examination room.

Kate: Step this way, and I’ll measure your weight and your belly and take a few other tests to see how far you’ve progressed in your pregnancy. Do you have any questions or concerns?

Jalisa: I’ve had a lot of nausea. I read that it should have started tapering off by now, but it’s still as bad as ever.

Kate: It varies by pregnancy, but we’ll check on what’s happening with you.

Merlin sits off to the side, watching and hoping that everything is okay with Jalisa and the baby.

After Kate has completed all of her tests and measurements, Ms. Valeria McNeal, the midwife, enters the room and checks with Kate before introducing herself.

Valeria: Mr. and Ms. Wells-Brown, It’s so good to meet you both. Kate tells me that you have some concerns about morning sickness.

Jalisa: Yes, it’s been pretty much non-stop since I discovered that I was pregnant.

Valeria: We can give you some ginger tea to help with that. It’s our unique blend. It’ll help calm your stomach, and it’s safe for the baby.

Jalisa: That’ll be a relief. Thanks!

Valeria: *turns to Merlin* What about you, dad? Do you have any concerns?

Merlin: I’m not sure I like the idea of Jalisa not having the baby in a hospital. What happens if something goes wrong?

Valeria: That’s a common concern for first-time dads. During the rare event that something goes wrong during labor, we can quickly transport Jalisa to the hospital. But midwives have been around delivering babies since nearly the beginning of time. My training covers almost any situation that may come up, aside from delivering a baby by c-section. Will it help if I show you our facilities?

Merlin: Maybe

Valeria: If you’ll both follow me.

Valeria rises from her stool and leads Jalisa and Merlin out the door.

Valeria: We have a small facility, but don’t let that fool you. We have everything we need to help deliver your baby safely. This is our cafeteria. It serves as a lounge for our staff and a place for our guests and their families to grab food, drinks, or anything else they may need during their stay.

Merlin: Guests?

Valeria: Yes, we don’t use the word patient. That implies that you’re sick. Having a baby is not an illness – it’s a natural process.

Next, Valeria shows them one of the birth rooms.

Valeria: This is what we call the “green” room. We also have a “yellow” room if you’d prefer. That is the birthing tub if you decide to go that route. But as you can see, we don’t use hospital beds. We try and make our guests as comfortable as possible during labor and delivery.

Jalisa: What do you think, Merlin? You have to admit that this is way more comfortable than a hospital.

Merlin: I can see the appeal. I agree that it’s a comfortable environment.

Jalisa is pleased to see that midwife Valeria is slowly winning Merlin over.

Next, Valeria takes them to the consultation room. Kate walks in with the results of all of Jalisa’s tests. She quietly gives Valeria the info she needs.

Valeria: Are you sure?

Kate: Yes, I checked a few times.  And her hCG levels are off the charts.

Valeria:  That would explain the nausea. Okay, thanks, Kate.

Valeria takes a seat as Kate leaves the room.

Jalisa: Is everything okay?

Valeria: Well, we have all the results of your tests. Physically you’re fine, but—

Merlin: *concerned* But what?

Valeria: It appears that you’re having triplets. Would you like to know their sex?

Merlin: *confused* Wait – we’re having what?!

Jalisa turns to Merlin.

Jalisa: *excited* Three babies! We’re having three babies, Merlin!

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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