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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 11)

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Three Babies

Jalisa walks in on Merlin still trying to wrap his head around them having 3 babies.

Jalisa: *sits down next to him* You okay?

Merlin: Yeah, I’m fine. I just can’t believe you’re carrying 3 sims…

Jalisa: …that we’ll have to name.

Merlin pulls her close and kisses her on the forehead.

Merlin: Do you have any ideas?

Jalisa: Okay, don’t laugh at me –

Merlin: Never!

Jalisa: I started putting together names before I even saw your face.

Merlin: Before I won? No way…

Jalisa: Yeah. I guess I just sort of knew.

Merlin: I’m curious. What did you come up with?

Jalisa: Well, I have one girl name and one boy name— *whispers the names in Merlin’s ear*

Merlin: Wait, those sound like –

Jalisa: Our names combined. I know, that’s how they came about.

Jalisa: So, what do you think?

Merlin motions for Jalisa to turn around. She does and he begins to gently rub her shoulders.

Merlin: I love them. But what if we have 3 girls or 3 boys?

Jalisa: Well, the 2nd name could be unisex, right? It could be a girl’s name, too.

Merlin: Maybe. At least that’ll be a start.  But 3 boys would be much harder to name, I think.

Jalisa: Hopefully we’ll get a combination.

Merlin: We probably should have let her tell us the sex of the babies.

Jalisa: I know, but I want it to be a surprise.

Merlin: *chuckles* Finding out we’re having 3 babies isn’t enough of a surprise for you?

After the massage…

Jalisa: It’s a huge surprise, but I like the idea of finding out the sex when we meet them.

Merlin: Yeah, I guess so.

Jalisa: We’ll just make sure we have a whole list of names ready.

Merlin: I’ll put on my thinking cap, too.

Jalisa: Three babies, can you imagine?

Merlin: No, I can’t. But I guess it makes sense.

Jalisa: It does?

Merlin: Yeah, maybe our love for one another is too big to be contained in only one baby.

Jalisa: I don’t think that’s the way it works.

Merlin: I know, but humor me. *leans in for a kiss*

Jalisa: Okay… I actually like that line of thought. *kisses Merlin*

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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