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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 13)

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Spooky Fest Birthday

It’s Spooky Fest, and Jalisa wakes up with the realization that her babies will probably be born on the spookiest day of the Sim year. She’s not too happy with the timing, but she decides to make the best of it by dressing in a smuggler costume since she’s technically smuggling three babies in her large belly.

Merlin dresses for the occasion too. He’s dressed as an astronaut, which in his opinion, is the perfect costume to wear when meeting his babies for the first time.  He checks in on Jalisa.

Merlin: So, do you think the babies will come today?

Jalisa: Part of me is ready for this pregnancy to be over with, but another part of me hopes they won’t decide to come on Spooky Day. *sigh* I guess we’ll just have to see.

Merlin: Yeah, I guess so.

Jalisa goes over the birth plan in her head. After finding out that they would be having triplets, she and Valeria, the mid-wife, agreed on a home birth. As soon as her contractions begin, Jalisa and Merlin are to call the birthing center so that Valeria can make arrangements and come to their house.

Reviewing this as she winds down at the piano helps to calm Jalisa’s nerves until she suddenly feels a tightening sensation that begins in her stomach and moves to her back. From what she’s read, it has to be her first contraction.

Through several more of these stabbing pains, Jalisa makes her way outside, where she finds Merlin.

Jalisa: I think the babies are coming!

It takes Merlin a minute to figure out what Jalisa has said.

Merlin: The babies? Right now?

Jalisa: Yes, please call the midwife.

Merlin hears her, but his first reaction is to hug her.

Merlin: Our babies are coming!

He releases her and backs up suddenly.

Merlin: Are you okay? Are you in pain? What do you need me to do?

Jalisa: I’m okay for now. I need you to call Valeria.

Merlin: Yeah…right! I’ll call her now.

Merlin hurries into the house in a panic.

Merlin: Where’s my cell phone? I can’t find my cell phone!

Meanwhile, Jalisa heads upstairs to their bedroom, where she figures she’ll be a bit more comfortable.

Merlin eventually finds his phone right there in his pocket. Although his hand is shaking, causing him to misdial several times…he manages to dial the number to the birthing center to let them know what’s happening.

It doesn’t take long before the midwife, Valeria, and her assistant Kate arrives. Valeria instructs Merlin on what to do to make Jalisa more comfortable.

Valeria: Kate will run a warm bath to make Jalisa more comfortable. Merlin, I need you to remain by her side. You’ll be a huge source of comfort for her.

Merlin is glad to have something to do to help his wife. Kate helps to get Jalisa in the bath, and he sits close to her giving her much-needed words of encouragement.

Valeria goes in to examine Jalisa, then leaves the bathroom to consult with Kate.

Valeria: She’s doing great. She’s now fully dilated.

Kate: Her contractions are only minutes apart.

Valeria: It looks like we’ll be welcoming three babies within the next hour.

Jalisa and Merlin join Valeria and Kate in the bedroom. Valeria places her hands on Jalisa’s belly.

Valeria: Your babies have dropped. I believe it’s time. How are you feeling?

Jalisa: Okay, for now.

As soon as the words leave her mouth, Jalisa feels the biggest contraction so far.

Jalisa: It hurts. It hurts so bad.

Kate: That’s your body doing exactly what it was designed to do. Breathe with me…he, he, haaaa!

Jalisa enters the baby’s bedroom, where they will be born. She’s shocked to see a completely finished bedroom. She had no idea that Merlin had accomplished so much so quickly. It’s beautiful and perfect for their babies. But she doesn’t have time to enjoy it, because baby number one is on the way!

Jalisa delivers a baby boy, closely followed by two girls.

Valeria: You did it! I knew you could do it. They’re absolutely beautiful! What are their names?

Jalisa looks down at her son that she is holding in her arms.

Jalisa: His name is Jalin Wells-Brown.

Valeria walks over to the 2nd baby.

Valeria: And hers?

Jalisa: Her name is Melisa.

Merlin has taken it upon himself to come up with a name for their 2nd little girl.

Merlin: And her name is Jamelia.

Valeria: Such beautiful names! They are all a combination of your names together.

Jalisa: Yes. That was important to us.

Valeria: *to Kate* Can you please prepare the birth certificates?

Kate: My pleasure…I believe this is the first time I’ve helped deliver triplets.

Valeria: You’ll never forget the first time.

While Kate and Valeria examine the babies, Merlin removes his costume, and Jalisa pulls him to the side.

Jalisa: I can’t believe you completed the room. It’s beautiful.

Merlin: *grabs Jalisa’s hands* Well, I confess that I had a little help.

Jalisa: *shocked* You hired someone?

Merlin: *nods* But just to complete the walls. I wanted it to be perfect for you and the babies. I wanted to do it all myself, but it was a bit more than I could handle.

Jalisa knows how much Merlin hates spending money.

Jalisa: I appreciate the effort. This is a room that the babies will be proud to grow up in.

Merlin: You think so?

Jalisa: Absolutely! *kisses Merlin on the cheek* Thank you so much! I love you!

Merlin: I love you, too!

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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