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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 14)

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It’s Jalisa and Merlin’s first night with the triplets. The midwife and assistant have left, so they’re on their own. It seems that no matter what, there’s always a baby in need of care and attention. They just have to figure out how to get some sleep in between it all.

Jalisa puts Jalin down and tries to stifle a big yawn. Merlin notices as he puts Jamelia in her crib and walks over to Melisa.

Merlin: You should go to bed, babe.

Jalisa: I need to, but the babies need me.

Merlin: You’ve done enough. I’ve got this for a while.

Jalisa: But, you’re tired too.

Merlin pauses to pick up Melisa.

Merlin: Yeah, but I didn’t just deliver three whole sims.

There’s no arguing. If Jalisa doesn’t go lay down, she’s going to fall down. She leaves the babies in Merlin’s care and exits the bedroom.

Jalisa was right. Merlin is extremely tired, but until six little eyes close…he’ll remain on daddy duty. He sits down in one of the rocking chairs and rocks slow to avoid any squeaking that might keep the babies awake. Several times, his eyes threaten to close on him, but every time he feels them begin to fall, he opens them quickly and peeks across the way at the babies hoping that they are asleep, but they aren’t.  They’re wide awake, arms and legs squirming all around. The later it gets, the more it seems that they’ll never sleep.

Merlin has never been this tired in his life – even as a college student staying up all night to cram for a test. There’s a heaviness to his exhaustion. There’s pressure on his shoulders as they begin to slump and on his head, which is slowly losing a battle with gravity.

Just when he’s not sure he’s going to make it, two eyes close, then four, and finally six. The babies are asleep. Merlin rushes to the master bedroom, undresses quickly, and practically dives into the bed. Sleep greets him like a long-lost friend, and he greets it back, allowing it to lead him to the land of the unconscious.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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