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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 20)

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The Toddler Years – 2.5

Brock wakes up feeling refreshed after a pretty good night’s sleep. His room is on the bottom floor, so he has no idea of the commotion that took place about an hour ago with the triplets upstairs. Having the weekends off from his nanny duties is a bit foreign to him. He’s not exactly sure how to spend his day. He leaves his bedroom and heads to the guest bathroom upstairs, where he runs a relaxing milk, honey, and oatmeal bath. He soaks for about an hour, then gets dressed.

Brock finds Merlin in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Brock: Good morning, Merlin.

Merlin: Good morning, Brock. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen.

Brock: Thank you, I think I’ll make a pot of spiced sparkling apple juice for anyone who wants any.

Merlin: Sounds great, thanks.

Brock begins to brew his apple juice while Merlin shows off his cooking skills.

Merlin shows off a bit too much and ends up dropping the food on the ground. He picks it up quickly, hoping that Brock doesn’t notice and that the heat will kill any germs. Brock is too polite to say anything, even if he does see it. He pours his concoction in a mug and goes to sit at the dining room table.

Merlin, Brock, and Jalisa sit and chat in the dining room after breakfast is served.

Merlin: So, any plans on how you’ll spend your day off?

Brock: I honestly have no idea. I’m not used to having extra time on my hands.

Merlin: Well, we both start work soon – so be sure to take advantage of it while you can. We’ve been up all morning with the triplets, and they are a hand full.

Brock: *chuckles* I can imagine.

Jalisa: Have you ever worked with triplets before?

Brock: Not triplets, but I’ve worked with multiple families over the years with small children so close in age that they may as well have been triplets.

Jalisa: Well, you’re eight steps ahead of us because neither of us has very much experience with kids.

Jalisa gets up and begins clearing dishes. She feels terrible that there’s a big part of her that can’t wait to get back to work. She doesn’t understand how anyone can stand to be around multiple small children all day, every day. Jalisa loves her babies, but going back to work will feel like a break.

Brock spends part of the day watching the romance channel on TV. Then bundles up in warm clothes and goes out back to play a bit of chess. Having the day off is nice, but sitting around doing nothing all day has never been his style. He cannot resist lending a hand with the babies later that evening at dinner time. He helps get them fed and cleans up their high chairs when they are finished.

Jalisa and Merlin refuse to let Brock do more than that on his day off. Jalisa rounds the triplets up and gives them each a bath. It’s a wet endeavor with all the splashing, but she manages. Before too long, all three babies are clean, dressed, and ready for bed. They can only hope that this time they’ll stay there.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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