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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 21)

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The Toddler Years – 3

Jay and Lia are up way too early again. This time their nanny, Brock, is up to greet them before they get a chance to wake up their parents.

Brock: I suspected one or two of you would be up.

He immediately sits them down on their potties. Lia is fully potty trained, but Jay still struggles a bit.

Brock: It’s okay, buddy. Accidents happen.

Merlin and Jalisa sleep in until it’s time for them to get ready for work. Lia follows her mother down the stairs.

Jalisa: Good morning, Lia! I’m going to miss you while I’m gone.

Jalisa eats a quick breakfast and leaves for her first day back to work since the triplets were born.

Me-Me is still sleeping, so Brock hurries the other two babies out of the nursery before they wake her. He places Lia and Jay in their cribs and serves them peas and apple juice for breakfast.

Lia eats hers right away, but Jay isn’t so sure about them.

Brock: Eat your peas like your sister Jay so that you can grow big and strong.

Jamelia: Strong!

Brock: Yes, strong. Excellent, Lia.

Merlin also has to leave for work, but he has just enough time to sit and eat breakfast with Jay, Lia and brock.

Jamelia:  Daddy!

Merlin: Good morning, sweetheart. Good morning, Jay.  Daddy and mommy will be at work, but Mr. Brock will be here to take very good care of you. Okay?

Jamelia: Okay

Merlin is glad that Lia has finally outgrown her “no” phase. Now she’s learned to repeat the last word said by anyone who speaks to her.

Brock returns the babies to their nursery, where they find their sister Me-Me. Brock makes sure that everyone is clean and dressed. Lia and Me-Me are content with playing with their toys, but Jay is tired and in serious need of a nap. Brock makes sure he takes one.

Jalisa returns home with a promotion. She’s now a page two journalist. Merlin is pleased with the bump-up in pay from his last promotion. Jalisa settles in at her computer to play a game while Merlin takes a jog around the neighborhood despite the temperature being below freezing.

It’s dinner time. Merlin prepares dinner for the triplets and makes sure they are in place to eat it. It’s been a long day, and all three of them are tired and in a bad mood.

After they are settled and put to bed, the adults enjoy a quiet dinner together. Having Brock around has made a massive difference in how efficiently things are run.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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