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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 22)

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The Toddler Years – 4

Merlin wakes up to see Me-Me standing by the side of the bed with tears in her eyes. Now that Brock is around, these precious early morning bonding moments are farther and fewer in frequency. Rather than sending her back to bed, Merlin lifts Me-Me in the air and places her on his back.

Merlin: Where’d she go? There was a baby here a minute ago, but now I don’t see her.

Melisa: *giggles*

Merlin: Wait a minute, I think I hear her, but I don’t see her.

Melisa: I here, daddy!

Merlin: Oh! There she is!

Merlin removes her from his back and swings her around before placing her back on her feet.

Merlin: The daddy monster is coming to get you! *makes a funny face*

Melisa: *more giggles*

Brock takes over baby care once Jalisa and Merlin have left. There’s snow on the ground, but the temperature is a bit warmer. Brock takes advantage of that and leads the bundled-up triplets outside for a day of play in the snow.

The triplets enjoy the fresh air and light, fluffy snow. It’s even better than splashing water on their mommy in the tub.

Brock: Okay, let’s take some pictures for your mommy and daddy! Say cheese!

Brock snaps a few pictures of the triplets, then includes himself in the last one to give them something to remember him.

Brock brings everyone back inside and entertains them with some music and singing on the piano. The triplets have an appreciation for music in the theater drama category. They bob and sway as Brock sings his favorite – Epilogue.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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