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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 25)

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Winterfest 1

Back in the house…

Melisa: *excited* Guess what, mommy! Daddy hit me in the face with a snowball!

Jalisa: Oh yeah…and you enjoyed it?

The family gathers around the Winterfest tree to begin decorating it.

Merlin: Hmmm, let’s see. What colors should we go with?

Jalin: All of them!

Jalisa: My vote is yellow and white.

The family gets to work, adding ornaments, cranberries, and lights to the tree. As soon as they light the tree up, the electricity goes out.

The Triplets: What happened?

Jalisa: Did you forget to pay the electric bill?

Merlin: Don’t panic. We probably just overloaded the power grid. I’ll check the breakers.

Jalisa and the triplets cheer once the power is restored. They stand and admire the fully lit tree.  Merlin returns and pulls out his cell phone.

Merlin: Let’s celebrate with some selfies.

First, he takes one with Jalisa. He notices Nate’s picture, from the blind date challenge, on the wall behind them. Merlin finally says what he’s been thinking for a long time.

Merlin: Maybe it’s time to take the blind date pictures down.

Jalisa: Yeah, I guess so.

Then he takes another with the whole family.

Merlin: Everyone say super daddy on three!

It’s finally time to open gifts. Jalin and Melisa open their gifts first. They are pleased to have received everything they asked for. Merlin grabs his gift next, but he takes his time opening it. He shakes it and tries to guess what it is first.

Melisa: *impatient* Ugh…just open it already, daddy!

Merlin: Okay, okay. *opens his gift*

Jalisa grabs her box but notices that it seems incredibly light. She finds out why immediately. The box is empty.

Jamelia: We wrapped that one, mommy! It’s full of love.

The idea is cute, but Jalisa would rather have something that she can see and touch.

Lia is the last to open her gift. The box is definitely not empty.

Lia is also pleased with her gifts.

Jamelia: *pumps her fist in the air* Yes, I love them!

Jalisa is the only one who hasn’t received what she really wanted. Merlin comes in with the save at the last minute.

Merlin: We didn’t forget about you, babe.

He gives her a beautifully wrapped gift. This time there’s weight to the box. She shakes it to make extra sure that it’s not empty. She opens it and sees that she’s received a pretty ceramic cookie jar.

Jalisa: *pleased* Thanks, Merlin. You shouldn’t have.

Merlin: We both know that’s not true. I saw your face when you opened that empty box.

Jalisa laughs because Merlin is right.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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