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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 26)

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Winterfest 2

The triplets scramble upstairs to play with their new toys. Jay tries out his new violin but stops once his sisters complain about the screeching that comes from it.

Jay and Me-Me migrate over to the block table to build a lego set. After the rocket is complete, Jay pulls out an alien toy, and Lia comes over to join him.

Jalin: The aliens take over the world and destroy the entire sim race!

Melisa: Why can’t the aliens be friendly? They can come and throw a big party for the sims.

Jamelia: That’s more boring, though. I think they should shoot lasers at the sims.

Jalin: Yeah!

Melisa can’t help but feel a bit ostracized by her brother and sister, who always seem to prefer more aggressive play ideas.

Downstairs, Merlin prepares a grand meal for Winterfest, tofurky with plenty of veggies on the side. He calls everyone down to eat. Jalisa takes one sip of her drink and is shocked by the contents.

Jalisa: Merlin, this has alcohol in it! The kids can’t drink it.

Merlin takes a sip of the drink to confirm what Jalisa has told him.

Merlin: You’re right. I thought it was sparkling apple cider; I should have read the label closer. Kids, don’t touch it!

The kids avoid their drinks but eat their food all up. Merlin feels bad about almost giving the kids alcohol. He makes it up to Jalisa with a kiss under the mistletoe.

Jay sings along with the Winterfest music on the stereo, just as they all receive two surprise visitors…their former live-in nanny, Brock, and father Winter.

It’s late and almost time for the triplets to go to bed. Jalisa presents Brock with a gift. Merlin suddenly feels a bit under the weather. He guesses he stayed out in the snow for a bit too long.

The triplets say their goodbyes to Brock and head upstairs to change into their gifts from him…new sets of PJs.

After the triplets have changed, Merlin and Jalisa enter their bedroom and tucks everyone in for the night. It’s been a great day for everyone.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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