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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 27)

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First Day of School (1)

Merlin is in the kitchen cooking French Toast for the triplet’s first day of school. They will all be attending a prestigious private school in nearby Oasis Springs. Jay is the first one up and ready.

Merlin: Hey, buddy! Do you want to learn how to make French Toast?

Jalin helps his dad dip the bread in egg. Before long, breakfast is served, and the whole family sits down to eat together.

Jalisa: Are you all looking forward to starting school today?

All three children erupt into excited chatter. However, Jay and Lia seem more eager to ride the school bus than they are about actually attending school.

Me-Me wants to know more about school, though.

Melisa: Mommy, daddy – what was your first day of school like?

Merlin: *to Jalisa* You want to take this? I can barely remember my first or any day of my primary school years.

Jalisa: You’re not that old, Merlin. *turns to Me-Me* I remember being very happy and eager to learn when I started school.

Melisa: Did you meet any friends?

Jalisa: I did. I met some very good friends, and I know you will too!

Me-Me seems satisfied with that. There isn’t much time for more discussion because it’s time for Jalisa and the triplets to leave. Jay and Me-Me follow Jalisa, but Lia, who spent more time talking than eating, still has to finish her food.

Jay and Me-Me are on their way to the bus, but Lia has to hurry behind them to catch up.

Meanwhile, Merlin has the day off but ends up spending most of it cleaning up after the family. Once the cleaning is done, Merlin realizes that he’s at risk of developing a sedentary lifestyle, which does not sit well with him. So he decides to take advantage of the warmer Spring air and goes out for a jog.

The triplets arrive home and are eager to talk about their first day of school. But Merlin is in the middle of a gaming tournament, hoping to win some money to help offset the high costs of the expensive private school that Jalisa insisted that the triplets attend.

Jalin, Melisa, and Jamelia:  *talking all at once* Daddy, daddy! *incoherent chatter*

Merlin:  Daddy’s in the middle of something, but you can all tell mommy and me about school at dinner, okay? Go and start your homework.

The triplets go to their bedroom and pull out their books.

Jalisa arrives home feeling pretty good about a challenging news story that she was able to pull off at work. She heads upstairs to see Merlin nose deep in his computer. So she decides to wait to tell him all about it.

Jalisa: Hey, babe! Where are the kids?

Merlin: In their room doing their homework.

Jalisa goes into the triplet’s bedroom.

Jamelia: Mommy! I need help with my math.

Jalisa can see that Jay and Me-Me know what they are doing. Lia is the only one that seems to have issues with simple addition.

Jalisa: Did you pay attention when the teacher explained this to you in school?

Jamelia: I tried, but she kept confusing Me-Me and me because our hair is the same. So Me-Me did my math for me, and I did P.E. for her.

Jalisa: What? You know that’s not okay, right? You both have to do your own work.

Jalisa helps Lia out with her homework and then settles on a solution for the girls’ look-a-like problem.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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