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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 30)

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Egg Day (2)

Merlin tries to come up with something more productive to do to keep the triplets out of the dumpster. He takes them to the popup skating rink near the house. None of them have been skating before, so it’s a new experience for them all.

The first few times around the rink involve a lot of stumbling and an occasional fall to the ground. Me-Me is the first to get the hang of it.

After a tough fall, Jay decides that he’s done. Besides that, he’d like to be the first to give his mother the flower he picked with his sisters.

She’s still in the backyard typing when he approaches her.

Jalin: I have a gift for you, mommy!

Jalisa: You do?

Jalisa takes a quick break from her work to see what it is.

Jay gives his mother the daisy.

Jalisa: *takes it and sniffs it* How sweet! Thank you so much.

Jalisa gives Jay a big hug. Now that he’s buttered his mother up, he decides to ask for what he’d really like to do.

Jalin: Can I play some video games for a while?

Jalisa: Sure, but only the “E” rated ones.

Jalin: Okay, mommy.

While Jay is safely inside, enjoying some time away from his sisters, Merlin and the girls continue skating. Merlin feels extra confident, so he tries out a trick, resulting in a pulled lower back muscle. Like Jay, it’s time for him to leave the skates alone for a bit.

Lia steps out of her skates when she sees her dad remove his. She, too, decides to gift her flower but gives it to her father instead of Jalisa.

Jamelia: Here, daddy…it’s for you!

Merlin: Thank you so much, honey. But I need you to hang on to that for me.

Jamelia: Why, daddy?

Merlin: Because I’m allergic to daisies. I’ll break out in a rash if I touch it.

Lia feels that her gift is unappreciated, so she drops it on the ground.

Merlin: I’m so sorry. Let me make it up to you. Let’s go inside, and you can help me bake cookies.

That cheers Lia up momentarily, but she’s once again disappointed when they go inside, and she finds out that helping her daddy bake cookies just means that she’ll be the one getting everything he needs, not the one doing the actual baking. She doesn’t even get to lick the spoon afterward.

Merlin: There are raw eggs in this, so it’s not safe, honey.

Lia has no patience to actually wait for the cookies to bake. She stands near the oven with her daddy and asks him the same question over and over again.

Jamelia: Are they ready yet?

Merlin: No, Lia. We have ten more minutes.

Jamelia: *one minute later* Are they ready yet?

Merlin: What did I say? We have to wait.

Jamelia: *two minutes later* Daddy! Are they read-

Merlin: No, Lia! Please don’t ask again.

Lia does a lively little dance once the cookies are finally ready, but there’s more disappointment ahead. Merlin is a great cook, but his baking skills are questionable. He sits down and takes a bite of a cookie, and finds out that they taste terrible.

Jamelia: Can I have a cookie now?

He hates that Lia’s patience won’t be rewarded with a great-tasting product, but he lets her have a cookie anyway.

Merlin warns her before she takes a bite.

Merlin: I’m afraid that daddy didn’t do such a great job.

Lia takes a bite and understands what he means.

Jamelia: Yeah, you should have let me help more.

Merlin: You’re right. I probably should have.

Lia finishes up her cookies anyway because, in her opinion, even a bad cookie is still a cookie. Jalisa isn’t so forgiving. She grabs a plate, takes a bite, and immediately gags.

Jalisa: Oh wow…I can’t eat this.

Merlin: Yeah, I know. Sorry, I should have warned you.

Merlin can only think of one place where the cookies should go…and that’s the trash. He won’t subject anyone else to them.

Meanwhile, the twins brush their teeth, change into their pj’s and go to bed. Well, Lia and Jay do. Me-Me hides up under her covers with a good book and eventually reads herself to sleep.

Merlin cleans up the kitchen and finds Jalisa running on the treadmill.

Merlin: Are the triplets already in bed?

Jalisa: Yes, I gave them all a kiss and a hug from both of us.

Merlin: Oh, okay.

Jalisa can see that Merlin is still feeling down about his botched baking attempt. She stops the treadmill and steps down.

Jalisa: I’m sorry that I didn’t like your cookies. Maybe I can make it up to you.

Merlin:  How can you make up for something that isn’t your fault?

Jalisa: *flirty* Oh, I can think of a few ways.

Jalisa leads Merlin to the bedroom to show him her ways.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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