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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 34)

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The Business Trip – Day 2 (2)

Merlin wants to teach the triplets how to Snowboard, so they make their way further up the hill after the Youth Festival. The heavy snow makes it very hard to believe that it’s the first day of summer.  This is the only thing that makes Jalisa wish they were back at home enjoying warm weather.

They approach the top of the Bunny Slopes. Merlin is energized as he slides down, but Jalisa is terrified. Their differing attitudes don’t matter because they both end up on their backs at the bottom of the hill. Jalisa has decided that Snowboarding is NOT for her.

Jalisa is hurting, so she leaves the slopes and heads towards the natural spring baths instead. Then, it’s the triplet’s turn to hop on a snowboard.

Me-Me and Jay make it down the hill first and repeat their parents’ landing experience – on their backs. Lia is the only one that makes it down without falling.

Jamelia: *shocked* I’m alive! I’m actually alive!

Jalisa enters the Onsen Bathhouse, prepared to relax the rest of the night away. She strips down to her swimwear and takes a warm shower before entering the springs. The hot water feels great as it soothes her bruises. She closes her eyes for a moment, only to open them again when she hears some familiar voices.

Merlin and the triplets have entered the water. Everyone looks in horror as the water turns from clear blue to murky green. Jalisa suspects why.

Jalisa: Merlin, did you have them shower before you all got in?

Merlin: We’re supposed to do that?

Jalisa is instantly embarrassed by her family’s failure to follow the local tradition. Having them enter the baths with a day’s worth of filth and grime on their bodies has dirtied the water and ruined it for everyone. She gets up immediately and apologizes to the other patrons before leading her family out of the bath.

Jalisa: *frustrated* Oh, Watcher! We should go!

Merlin follows closely behind her.

Merlin: I’m so sorry. I really didn’t know.

Jalisa: *deep sigh* Obviously

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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