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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 36)

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The Business Trip – Day 3 (2) 

Merlin and Jalisa pick out a lovely family-friendly restaurant and sit down for some great local food. The waitress walks over to take their orders. Unfortunately, none of them can pronounce the items on the menu, so they point out what they want.

After the waitress has left –

Jalin: When do we get our food? I’m starving to death.

Merlin: She just took the orders. They have to prepare the food, and you’re not starving to death.

Before anyone else gets a chance to complain about their rumbly tummies, the waitress returns with their selections. Me-Me looks over at the sticks in her father’s hands.

Melisa: What are those, daddy?

Merlin: Chopsticks

Melisa: But where’s the choppy part?

Merlin: There is no choppy part. You use them like this.

Merlin demonstrates how to pick up a bite of food and bring it to his mouth.

Melisa: I want choppy sticks, too!

Waitress: *to Merlin* I can bring her some.

Merlin: Okay, sure.

The waitress brings Melisa a set of chopsticks, and she goes to work trying to figure out how to use them.

Jalisa: Are you sure about this, Merlin? Even I’d have a hard time eating ramen with chopsticks.

Merlin: *confident* She’ll figure it out.

Me-Me manages to pick up a noodle or two, but she drops it before she can bring it to her mouth.

Me-Me continues to struggle with her meal while everyone else begins to clear their plates. Eventually, she resorts to raking the noodles to the side of the bowl and pushing them into her mouth.

Meanwhile, Lia turns to her dad.

Jamelia: I hope you and mommy aren’t getting a divorce.

Merlin: A what?

Jamelia:  A divorce. Me-Me heard you and mommy fighting.

Merlin: We weren’t fighting. We were disagreeing. No one is getting a divorce.

Everyone finishes their meal, and Merlin leaves a small tip. Jalisa slips in another few bills when he isn’t looking.

Merlin suggests that a great way to work off their meal is with another hike. This time to the temple, which would also give them a chance to see the Bamboo Forest. As they walk through, Merlin shares a story about the first time he and Jalisa hiked through the forest.

Merlin: This is where mommy and I were when we discovered that we might be having a baby. We had no idea that there would be three of you!

Jamelia: How did you get three babies?

Merlin: Uh…we went to a craft table and formed you three out of clay.

Jalin: Clay?!

Jalisa: Daddy is just being silly, but that’s a story for another time.

The family arrives at the temple without any issues. They take in the beauty of the beautiful building. Jalisa and Merlin share a kiss to reassure the triplets that they still love one another. This is how they spend the last day of their trip.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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