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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 37)

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Teen Birthday Party (1)

The triplets have aged up, and Merlin and Jalisa have decided to throw them a backyard birthday party. The event begins with an updated family photo and some photos of the triplets.

While cooking and setting up for the party, Merlin and Jalisa realize that it’s way too hot outside, and the party guests are miserable. So they make the last-minute decision to pack everything up and move the party inside.

Me-Me welcomes their former nanny, Brock, with a big hug.

Melisa: Thanks for coming.

Brock: I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Me-Me and Lia’s friend, Kendra, is happy to be inside with the air conditioning blasting. Jay’s friend Cale enters right behind her while Jalisa welcomes Brock to the party.

Jalisa: Can you believe they’re teens already?

Brock: No, but I feel blessed that I’m still here to witness it.

Jalisa: Same here!

Jalisa looks over her shoulder at the triplets with their friends, wondering where the time has gone.

Jay entertains his friends with a few jokes while Lia, Me-Me, and their friend Shania dance to the music. Jay’s friend Kory gets up to grab some of the grilled fruit that Merlin has prepared and accidentally bumps into Me-Me.

Kory: Oh, I’m so sorry.

Melisa: No problem, Kory.

The flirty tones and glances may have been lost on anyone else, but Jalisa picks up on it all right away. She’s already dreading the teen years.

Jalisa excuses herself to go to the restroom, hoping that she’s overreacting and what she just witnessed was just an innocent interaction between Kory and Me-Me. Brock gets up right behind her looking to escape pop music hell.

Meanwhile, Merlin is feeling proud and accomplished after preparing the perfect Beef Wellington. It smells so incredible that he’s almost tempted to try a bite, despite being vegetarian. He’s now level 8 in the cooking skill.

It doesn’t take much convincing to get everyone to grab a serving. The adults take their plates to the living room while the teens take over the dining room.

Brock walks over to help clear some of the dirty plates that were already on the table.

Brock: Let me clean some of this up for you.

Shania: *to Melisa* Your grandpa is so nice!

Melisa: He’s not our grandpa. He used to be our nanny.

Shania: For real? I’ve never seen a nanny in real life before!

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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