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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 39)

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Moody Teens

Merlin encounters moody teen number 1 first thing when he enters the kitchen to brew coffee.

Jalin: What’s for breakfast, dad?

Merlin: Today is “fend for yourself day,” so you have a choice of cereal, yogurt, or a breakfast burrito.

Jalin: *groans* No eggs, bacon, or toast?

Merlin: Not unless you’re ready to make it yourself.

Jay makes a bowl of cereal but isn’t too happy about it.

Merlin sees fit to issue Jalisa a warning when she enters the kitchen later to get her coffee.

Merlin: It appears to be “bad mood” Monday today for Jay.

Jalisa: But it’s Tuesday.

Merlin: Looks like we’re in for a helluva week then.

Jalisa sits down with Jay at the table, and Merlin joins them soon after.

Jalisa: *to Jay* Is everything okay?  It’s your first day of high school. You should be excited.

Jalin: I can’t be excited because I’m a part of a family where I’m constantly ignored.

Jalisa: Ignored? I’m going to need you to expand on that.

Jalin: I have two sisters, and you and daddy always cater to them.

Jalisa and Merlin: How so?

Jalin: We can start with our bedroom. Why is it pink?

Merlin lets out a knowing grunt that Jalisa chooses to ignore.

Jalisa: It’s not pink per se. It was supposed to be a lot more neutral.

Jalin: How is pink ever neutral?

Jalisa: It wasn’t what I was going for. The paint looks a lot different on the walls than it did on the swatch. It was supposed to have more of a greyish tint to it. And it’s not pink…it’s closer to purple than anything.

Jalin: Well, what about the carpet. Did that look different on the swatch, too?

Jalisa: I’m sorry, Jay. I wasn’t trying to cater to your sisters. It was a mishap – not intentional at all.

Jalin: So that’s it? I get a “sorry,” but I still live in a pink room? How am I supposed to bring my friends over?

Jalisa: First off, pink isn’t just for girls. Guys can like pink, too—you know?

Jalin: But I don’t.

Jalisa: Okay, I’ll see what we can do to make it up to you. Okay?

Jalin: *not convinced* Okay, mom.

Jay gets up to leave for school.

Jalisa: *to Merlin* You couldn’t say anything to help me out? You just sat there.

Merlin: I knew this would happen. We should have waited for their input before redoing their bedroom.

Jalisa: *sips coffee with an attitude* Whatever, Merlin. It was supposed to be a surprise. You just like to avoid the blame.

Merlin: Exactly – that, and wasting money on something that they’d hate.

Merlin’s response doesn’t make Jalisa feel supported at all. She gets up and leaves for work in a hurry, trying to avoid the argument that she can feel brewing between them.

After Jalisa has left, Merlin evades the wrath of moody teens 2 and 3 with a quick escape to the kitchen to clean up the breakfast dishes.

Jamelia: *teasing tone* Has Kory texted or called you yet?

Melisa: *embarrassed* No! And don’t mention his name around me again!

Lia guesses that Me-Me still hasn’t forgiven her for telling Jay’s friend that Me-Me has a crush on him.


Me-Me has even more reasons to be angry at her sister after being completely ignored by Kory all day at school. He wouldn’t even glance her way.

The triplets do their homework in silence in their bedroom.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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