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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 40)

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Blast From the Past

Jalisa is heading to the Planet Honey Pop karaoke bar in San Myshuno for a drink after finishing up a Journalism assignment that she hated every minute of. She spent most of the morning and afternoon reporting on the GeekCon, which is the total opposite of the type of story she’d like to be covering.

Before she gets to the door, she hears a familiar voice.

Familiar Voice: Jalisa, is that you?

She doesn’t have to see him to know who it is. She heard his voice for months before ever actually seeing his face. It’s the bunny, Nathan Glover (created by boomchicapopdatsims, currently deactivated on Tumblr), from the 28 Blind Dates challenge. He was the runner-up in the challenge, but not when it comes to winning her heart. She could have easily seen herself building a life and having a family with him. She swallows hard before turning around to face him.

Jalisa: OMW, Nate! How are you?

She steps closer, and they embrace, feeling all of the same chemistry they felt when hugging, with the costumes for the first time during the challenge. Nate squeezes her extra tight for just a moment. Jalisa is a bit reluctant, but eventually, she drops her arms and steps back.

Nate looks her up and down.

Nate: You look just as amazing as you did during the reveal.

Jalisa: Thanks, but I’m sure I gained a bit of weight after having three kids.

Nate: Three kids? Well, if you did – it just enhanced your beauty even more.

Nate’s compliment threatens to take Jalisa places that she isn’t prepared to go. She conveniently ignores the second part of his statement and focuses on the first part.

Jalisa: Yes. I have triplets—two girls and one boy.

She immediately catches her mistake. She doesn’t have triplets. They have triplets – her and Merlin together. She clears her throat and pulls out her phone, hoping that Nate missed that.

Jalisa: Want to see them?

Nate: Yeah, sure.

Jalisa pulls up the most recent pictures of the triplets at their birthday party.

Jalisa: *points out the triplets* This is Melisa. This is Jalin, and this is Jamelia.

Nate: Beautiful family! They look just like you and—

Jalisa: *interrupts* – Merlin. Right!

Jalisa hurries and puts the phone away.

Jalisa: So what about you? Married? Any children?

Nate: No. The only woman I ever loved chose another man. It’s good to see her again, though. I’m glad she’s happy and doing well.

His words take her breath and, apparently, her speaking ability away. But it really doesn’t matter because she has no idea what to say anyway.

Jalisa: I, uh –

Nate: I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. I’ve rehearsed what I’d tell you if I ever saw you again, and that wasn’t it. Please forgive me.

Jalisa: It’s okay. I ju – I don’t know what to say.

Nate: Don’t say anything, but I’d like to buy you a drink.

Jalisa: No, I shouldn’t. I’d better go home now.

Nate: Okay. It’s really good to see you again, Jalisa. You know – out of costume.

Nate is already walking away when Jalisa responds, out of earshot.

Jalisa: Good to see you, too.

Jalisa knows that the right thing to do is go home, but facing Nate again is like seeing a part of her that she’d almost forgotten about. He’s always been easy to talk to, and they have so many things in common that she can’t resist seeking out his company…even if just for a moment.

Against her better judgment, she enters the bar and grabs herself a drink from the fountain.

Nate is sitting at a nearby table. Jalisa feels that it’s okay to walk over and talk to him, as long as she doesn’t sit down. If she avoids getting comfortable, then it’ll be that much easier to leave when it’s time.

Nate:  This is where we had our second date, remember?

Jalisa:  Technically, our third date, but yeah – of course I remember. It was the karaoke date. You’re a terrible singer.

Nate: *chuckles* I may need a chance to redeem myself.

Jalisa: Well, I’m leaving after this drink – so, that’s not going to happen.

Nate: Are you afraid of my skills? So that you know, I’ve been practicing.

Jalisa chuckles to herself but doesn’t answer. It’s not his karaoke skills that she’s afraid of, but that’s something that she’s keeping to herself.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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