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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 42)

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Fessing Up

Merlin is at his desk working on a particularly dull assignment when Jalisa finally arrives home. She stands outside, despite the rain – feeling a tremendous amount of guilt for what could have occurred with Nate. Now the question is, should she tell Merlin?

Jalisa is soaking wet when she finally enters the house, but that’s nothing compared to how uncomfortable it feels to have to find and face her husband. She gives herself a moment or two to dry off a bit, then looks for him.

She finds him in the kitchen, which isn’t unusual for this time of day.

Jalisa: Hey, Merlin.

Merlin: Hey, babe. I’m just about to make dinner.

Jalisa: Can I help?

Merlin is shocked as he pulls out the ingredients needed for the meal he has planned.

Merlin: What’s going on? You never help me in the kitchen.

Jalisa avoids his eyes by busying herself with the task of making drinks to go with Merlin’s meal.

Jalisa: Nothing. I’m here, so I figured why not do something.

The triplets join Merlin and Jalisa at the table once the meal has been prepared. Merlin has already heard how their first day of high school went, and Jalisa is way too occupied with her thoughts to ask. So, it’s uncharacteristically quiet at the table.

After the triplets have eaten and left the table, Jalisa and Merlin sit alone.

Merlin: Is everything okay? You’ve been pensive since you arrived home. Did drinks with your friend go okay?

Jalisa doesn’t even try avoiding the question. If she doesn’t fess up…the guilt will continue to eat at her.

Jalisa: I didn’t tell you the whole truth, Merlin.

Merlin: What didn’t you tell me?

Jalisa: I did stop and have drinks with a friend, but I didn’t tell you who the friend was.

Merlin stares for a few moments, trying to decide if he really wants to know.

Merlin: Who was it?

Jalisa: It was Nate. I ran into him after I  finished at GeekCon.

Merlin’s entire face changes. It’s no secret to him how much Jalisa cared about Nate. There was even a time when Merlin was sure that he’d be the one leaving the competition.

Merlin’s not sure what to do with this information. If Jalisa felt the need to hide it, does that mean that something happened? Jalisa continues.

Jalisa: We went to the Planet Honey Pop Karaoke bar.

Merlin: Why are you telling me this? Do you still have feelings for him, Jalisa?

Jalisa: I thought I did – just for a moment.

Merlin’s entire face crumbles.

Merlin: For a moment? What does that mean?

Jalisa: It means that I love you – only you.

Merlin: That doesn’t explain anything. Did something happen?

Jalisa: No, Merlin. We talked, had a drink or two, and sang karaoke. But I realized that the only place I want to be is here with you. There was a time when I thought I loved him, but that time is gone. You’re my everything, Merlin.

Merlin: And it took seeing him to know that?

Jalisa: Yes, I mean – no. Honestly, Merlin – I don’t know. You and I have been arguing lately, and sometimes I don’t feel like you have my back. I couldn’t help but question things, but I’m not anymore. I’m in this for the long haul, for better or worse. I chose you all those years ago, and I’ll keep choosing you – for the rest of my life.

Merlin can feel the doubt and bad feelings begin to fade away. He’s not too pleased with Jalisa and Nate running into one another, but he trusts his wife and believes her if she says that she no longer has feelings for Nate.

Merlin slowly gets up out of his seat. Jalisa hurries to join him.

Jalisa: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the whole truth when I called. Please forgive me.

Merlin: There’s nothing to forgive – you’re telling me now, and that’s all that matters.

Merlin pulls his wife closer and kisses her softly but realizes there are some things that he needs to say as well.

Merlin: I know we’ve been arguing more lately. And maybe there are times when I can be hard to deal with. But I do have your back. I’ll try to do better – be better because you deserve that. I’m in this for the long haul, too.

Jalisa: I love you! And I’m glad to have you by my side.

Merlin: Not as glad as I am – I love you, too!

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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