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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 47)

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Ever since her dad let her help him make cookies that one time when she was little, Jamelia has been interested in cooking. She has the Master Chef aspiration, along with the Essence of Flavor, Dog Lover, and Hates Children traits.

Lia spends some time reading cookbooks and increasing her cooking skills. Once she believes she’s memorized a few recipes – it’s time to put her newfound skills to the test. She heads down to the kitchen quietly to avoid anyone who might deter her.

She opens the refrigerator hoping that everything she needs is there.

She’s missing a few things, but she thinks she can still make it work. She carefully pulls out her dad’s chef knives and cuts up her ingredients. Everything is going well until she adds her tofu to the skillet and turns it up too high.

Jamelia: *panics* Oh no! It’s on fire! What do I do if it’s on fire?

She slaps at the flames with her spatula and somehow puts out the fire.

Jamelia: *sigh of relief* It’s okay. You can do this Lia.

Lia stares at her finished work. The tacos look pretty good – just as good as her dad’s. Lia takes her plate to the dining room table, but her meal feels incomplete. There’s just one last thing to do before she calls her family down to try her first self-cooked meal.

She pulls out a pitcher and mixes up a batch of lemonade, being careful not to add too much sugar. Her mother hates when there’s too much sugar and she wants everything to be perfect.

Finally, Lia calls everyone down. Jalisa and Merlin are shocked when they see her sitting at the table with a complete meal in front of her.

Jalisa: You cooked?

Merlin: I smell smoke. You didn’t burn down the kitchen, did you?

Jamelia:  No dad.

They go into the kitchen to grab a serving, along with Melisa and Jalin.

Merlin: This actually looks pretty good.

Melisa: It tastes good, too. They’re as good as yours, dad.

Merlin sits down and takes a bite.

Merlin: No, they’re better than mine.

Jalisa: It doesn’t even taste like tofu. You sure this isn’t real fish?

Jamelia: No, but I tried some different seasonings.

Merlin: There’s some natural talent here, Lia.

Jamelia: Thanks, daddy.

Jalin grabs a plate. He’ll be the real test.

Jalin: *sits down and takes a bite* These are great, dad.

Merlin: I didn’t make them. Lia did.

Jalin: What? And we’re not dying?

Jamelia: Shut up, Jay! You know you like it.

Jalin: Actually I do. I might even get some more after this.

Jamelia watches her family enjoy the meal she prepared, hoping that she’s found her calling. She’s not so great at school, but she may have just discovered something that she is good at.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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