Overall, my life was pretty ordinary. I lived in an apartment in the city with my best friend Lizzie living just across the hall with her husband and toddler son.

Lizzie’s son was the sweetest little guy. His mother’s pretty green eyes threatened to steal your heart anytime he looked up at you.

I didn’t always know Lizzie.

But we became fast friends when I moved into the apartment.

Our love for the outdoors brought us together shortly after I moved in and we decided to begin taking walks around the neighborhood together.

I have to admit that I admired Lizzie and her family. They seemed to really have it all.

Lizzie’s husband Dray was nice and we all hung out together from time to time. He was a good husband and father. He and Lizzie seemed to have a lot of love for each other.

They made living in the city so much more pleasant.

Our building was located in one of the older parts of town. My apartment wasn’t much to look at. I couldn’t afford to fix it up the way I wanted…

…but I had my plants and a few prized pieces of art that I was pretty proud of.

My favorite part of the whole place was not inside though.

It was the nice balcony outside. Although I lived in the city…it’s safe to say that I could never stand to be inside for long.

My happiness resided outdoors. As long as I was able to get outside, I could work my way through any situation.

On my worst days, all I needed was a big glass of iced tea…

…and the sun on my face, everything would automatically be okay.

That is until like I said…

…things changed.