I would have gone on believing that what happened to me was a dream if I didn’t wake up feeling so strange.
I was hungry like I’d never been before. You hear people talk about being so hungry they could eat a horse…well I swear, I would have let a horse have it that morning. Never mind the fact that I usually try to avoid meat.
Despite being so hungry that it felt like my insides were digesting itself…the morning pee was first priority.
I went into the bathroom, handled my business, and washed my hands as usual.
I looked up and saw myself in the mirror; noticing that I looked like I had been through hell.
That wasn’t unusual for me, though…I’m not exactly a morning person, so looking crappy in the AM wasn’t anything new.
But there was something wrong. Something in the mirror caught my attention, but it took me a minute trying to figure out what it was.
Then I saw it…
Right there on my neck were two spots….like two big-ass mosquito bites without the itching and swelling. At first, I thought it was just ink…so I rubbed and rubbed at them, but they weren’t going away.
I used soap, I tried alcohol…hell, I even tried rubbing some deodorant on the spots, but they stayed right where they were.
I started thinking that I had grown a couple of new moles overnight. I’d been spending a lot of time in the sun, so I figured maybe I should go and get those spots checked out…just in case.
I was so focused on the damn spots, that I almost forgot how hungry I was. That is until it hit me full force. If I didn’t eat soon, I was sure I would pass out.
I needed to make something quick, so I grabbed the ingredients for an omelet; thinking that you can never go wrong with an omelet.
I walked to the counter and just for one second, I stared down at those two raw eggs and butter and thought about just eating it all raw, right then and there…shells and all.
I shook my head to remove that crazy impulse from my mind.

The thought left, but I was a little scared that I would even be tempted to do something like that. Was I going crazy?
I stood there with pan in hand, mindlessly stirring the eggs…trying to convince myself that I was just feeling a bit stressed when I felt a sudden surge of warmth on my face.
My darn omelet was on fire. Luckily, even without thinking…impulse made me remove them from the burner.
But the fire wasn’t going out. I turned off the burner and began to smother the flames with my spatula.
I felt mentally exhausted when the fire finally went out. This was one of those mornings when I should have probably just gone back to bed. I couldn’t believe I’d almost started a fire. I was always naturally a pretty good cook. The last time I burned something while trying to cook was when I was about 9 years old.
“Get it together, girl,” I said to myself and I sat down with my omelet. Despite the flames, after removing a few burnt parts …it was mostly still edible.
I was so hungry that I probably would have tried to eat it even if it was burnt to a crisp though, so I took a bite.
I instantly felt sick.
It was like I had suddenly developed a taste aversion to omelets just like I had to apple juice.
Once when I was little with the stomach flu, I kept vomiting after drinking apple juice. To this day, I associate apple juice with vomit and I can’t even stand the scent of it.
It never happened with eggs though. Eggs were like my favorite thing, but right now my stomach was churning and rumbling like that day with the apple juice.
I sat there until my insides calmed down a bit. My stomach was sick, but I was still hungry. If I didn’t know better…I would have thought I was pregnant, which God knows was impossible.
I didn’t even try to take another bite. I stood up; thinking that I’d have to find something else to eat. These eggs weren’t going to cut it.
I hate waste…especially the wasting of food, but there was no way I was going to take another bite of the omelet.
I walked straight over to the trash can and tossed it out without another thought. I decided that I’d go out to eat. Surely there was something that I could eat that wouldn’t make my stomach feel like a southern thunderstorm.