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Dark Form – Chapter 7

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I sat there on my couch for a while feeling a mixture of anger and fear.  I was at a breaking point…I could feel it. At any moment, I could imagine the floor disappearing under me … and I could picture myself plunging into an emotional hell with no way to climb out. Something was building itself within me and I couldn’t let it win, so I decided to take action. 

I got up and took a bath to try and relieve the tension.  I slipped on my robe and headed to my bedroom. 

If Lizzie couldn’t tell me what was happening to me, then I had to find out myself.  

I figured that I’d start with a search on my computer.  I just had to find the right search terms and go from there.

I started by typing in ‘attracted to blood.’

All I got were a bunch of listings about sharks and mosquitos being able to pick up the scent of blood.  That wasn’t going to help.  I tried, ‘obsessed with blood’ next.

This time my search results consisted of sites that profile serial killers who are obsessed with blood. I scrolled through it hoping for something that I could relate to, but there was nothing. 

I had to find the correct term.  I closed my eyes to sort out in my head what I was feeling.  I hadn’t eaten in days, but when I really thought about it…I couldn’t describe myself as hungry, exactly. 

My throat was dry…as if I had just run a marathon with no water. I wasn’t hungry…I was thirsty. Unbelievably thirsty. I opened my eyes and began typing three words furiously…  

‘Thirst for blood’.

My results were lists and lists of movies, video games, and book sites discussing vampire lore. I guess I should have suspected it, but I sifted through it all, getting angrier and angrier.  Vampires? I couldn’t believe that was all I could come up with. I was looking for a real medical condition…not a supernatural tale. 

I closed my web browser in frustration and placed my head in my hands wondering what the hell I was going to do? I juggled my newest epiphany around in my head.  Did I really have a thirst for blood…like a vampire?   But if vampires aren’t real…what was wrong with me? 


I’d read once that intense dehydration can make a person hallucinate and think crazy thoughts.  I got up and walked to the kitchen hoping that maybe if I drank enough water, I’d be okay. But when I got to the kitchen, I didn’t end up going anywhere near the sink.
My thirst was leading me elsewhere…and it wasn’t towards the water. 
I could hear someone else in the hallway…but it wasn’t Lizzie this time. This person had a faster pulse…like someone not in as good a physical shape as Lizzie. Their heart was working much harder.

I stepped out into the hallway with no thought of the fact that I was still in my robe.  All I could think about was how much I would love to relieve that overworked heart of its duty. 

I did my best to suppress that thought along with the strong desire associated with it and walked over to him.  It was Lizzie’s husband Draymond.  

“Dray…how are you?”

Dray turned away from the bulletin board and his face lit up when he saw me. “Val! Lizzie’s been driving me freaking nuts worrying about you.  She said she stopped by, but you wouldn’t answer. Are you okay?”
I’d forgotten that I was supposed to be hiding out in my apartment. “No – yeah.  I was probably just taking a nap.” The lie left a bitter taste on my tongue. 

“Well, I’ve really missed having you around.” 

“You mean you and Lizzie, right?”
Dray quickly backtracked and I could hear his pulse increase a bit. “Yeah…that’s what I said, right? We were both hoping you’d take Lizzie up on her offer to have dinner with us.”

It wasn’t what he originally said, but I choose not to bring it up. “Uh, yeah.  I haven’t been feeling too well lately, but – I’m sure I’ll be ready to take you both up on your offer soon.”

Dray took a big step forward.  Something about it made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I thought maybe it was because I was thinking about how his blood would taste just moments before.

“Good.  I hope so,” Dray paused before he continued, “but if you’re ever pressed for time…dropping by for breakfast would be okay too.”  Now his pulse was going even faster…as if he were nervous. 

I was confused by this, “Doesn’t Lizzie usually work in the morning?”

“Uh yeah, yeah. You’re right.  I’m a pretty good cook though.  I could hook you up.”

Talking to Dray wasn’t doing much to help relieve the discomfort that I’d been feeling all day. I could feel the tension all the way through my back, so I leaned back in an attempt to stretch it out.

“I wouldn’t be comfortable with that Dray.”

“It wouldn’t be a big deal.  Lizzie would just be relieved that you’re eating something again.” Dray licked his lips and his pulse grew louder.

When I straightened back up and I could see that he was staring directly at my chest the whole time.  I was suddenly very aware that I was still in my robe…and I could tell that he was doing his best to remove it with his eyes. 

I also realized that Dray was flirting with me. There were times before that his interaction with me was questionable…a few lingering hugs and one or two supposed accidental brushes of his hand across my thigh.  But I just ignored those incidents. He and Lizzie always seemed like the perfect couple, so it never dawned on me that there could be more to it all.

“Dray…Lizzie’s my best friend.  I’d never do anything to hurt her.”
He knew that I had seen through to his hidden intentions and immediately tried to play it off. “Hurt her?  Wait, did you think that I was…?” Dray faked his disgust and turned it all around on me.  “No! I can’t believe you.  Why are you trying to make this into something else? I’d never step out on my wife!  You know that! What the hell?”

Dray turned quickly as if he were the victim in this situation.  But his rapid pulse told me that I wasn’t imagining it all.  I’d made him even more nervous by calling him out.  He hurried into his apartment. 

I was left standing there wondering what the hell had just happened. Did my best friend’s husband really try to seduce me?

I’d always held Lizzie and Dray’s marriage up on a pedestal as something that I aspired to find for myself someday…and this completely shattered that for me.  

For a brief second, I wondered if perhaps I wasn’t the only one going crazy.  I turned and walked toward my apartment in disbelief. 


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