…but most would classify as a nightmare.
He moved through my house silently…hard bottom shoes on wood floors with no sound.

A thief in the night, he made his way to my bedroom.
But he wasn’t after money or jewels…

Although I couldn’t hear him, I sensed that he was there.
And I woke up… silently… welcoming him.
As if in a trance, I rose out of bed and went to him.
He had full control of me and he knew it.
His touch was shockingly frigid, but at the same time strangely comforting…like a warm cup of cocoa and a chilly night rolled up into one.
He was frightening and unusual. He leaned in close to me; his icy breath, which smelled dank and ancient, was on my face.
He began to kiss my neck. The part of me that was still cognizant and sane wanted to get far away from him…
…but was silenced by a darker side of me that welcomed his kisses and his embrace.
A battle of panic vs. calm went on inside of me, but neither part of my consciousness had any power over this strange man.
His kisses soon turned into a painful pierce as his teeth seeped deep into my neck. He began to suck my life force from me. I grew weaker and weaker with each deep swallow.

I was helpless to stop him.
Then it was my turn…he bit a gash into his own arm. I felt parched and I eagerly bent down and drank the thick, metallic fluid.
The thirst was unreal, unimaginable, and unstoppable. I could feel his blood as it made it’s way into my mouth, down my throat, and through my body. It was sickening; feeling like I had swallowed tiny fingers that were now crawling all over my insides by way of my veins and arteries.
It felt like it went on forever. But after a time…it was over. I crawled back into my bed as if nothing had happened.
And he disappeared just as he had appeared…suddenly, without a sound, as if he were never there at all.
Feeling as if I’d never been awake, I slept on believing that I had just had the most terrifying, yet gratifying dream ever.