Before Lizzie and Dray showed up at my door, I realized that I had found all that I was going to find about my condition online. The rest of the links seemed to mostly be clickbait and BS. If I was going to find any more info…I’d have to go to the library.

There was nothing I could do about the sunlight outside, but I could do something to block it from coming inside. I pulled out a set of dark sheets and a bedspread and hung them up at my bedroom windows.
Although it made me feel safer…it also made me feel a bit sad. The main reason I chose this apartment was because of the nice windows, the view, and the abundance of sunlight. Now that very same sunlight could very well be my undoing.
As I waited for the evening…I suddenly found myself with a lot of extra time on my hands. With nothing else to do, I decided to try to pass some of the time with a nap.
Hours later, I woke up just as the sun was going down. I put on another inconspicuous outfit. Once again, I wanted to be free from running into anyone I knew.

I went down the elevator and stepped out into the evening. There was still a tiny bit of sun resting on the horizon. It made my skin tingle a bit, but it was bearable. I hurried down the street; doing my best to ignore the sounds and scents coming from anyone that I happened to pass.
The nearest library was quite a few long blocks away. It was almost too far to walk, but I knew that calling up a rideshare and being cooped up in a car in such close proximity to another person would be dangerous…for them and for me. I turned the corner at the end of my block and started the long trek to the suburbs.
My determination gave me the energy that I needed to make it to the library. In my normal state, there was no way I would have made it with the lack of food and nutrition, but I guess having the virus gave me almost superhuman endurance.
I was hoping that it would be mostly empty at this time of night, but there were a few people still there picking their way through the fully stocked shelves. I walked quickly to avoid everyone.
The section that I was looking for was upstairs, so I made my way up. My earbuds were on full blast and I avoided breathing through my nose, so I had no idea at the time that the librarian was heading up right behind me.
I found the section that I was looking for. I knew that the quicker I found what I needed…the quicker I could get out of there.
I pulled one of the books from my list of sources off the shelf and started to read. It not only confirmed some of the things I’d already read but also told me a lot more about my condition.
Right when I was starting to get to the meat of what I needed to know…one of the librarians came upstairs. My nose and taste buds were very aware of her presence.

The librarian sat down in a chair next to me…

Without even thinking about it, I shoved the book that I was reading under my clothes and hurried down the stairs…hoping not to set off any alarms.
I fled the library and ran out into the night.
I was looking to find a place where I could avoid other people…
…but no matter where I went, there was someone else around. And the ones who were alone were the most vulnerable.
I ran. I needed to be back downtown. At least there, I knew of a few places where I could go and avoid running into anyone.
Once again, I was amazed at my newfound ability to run and walk such long distances without being overly tired. Endurance was something that I’d never really had before.
I stopped once I got to the waterfront. As I stared out over the water…I began to realize that being outside at night had its pluses as well. It was actually quite beautiful.
If I couldn’t find a cure for my condition, I thought maybe I’d be able to adapt to it.
A few moments later, I realized that adapting would be almost impossible to do. My thirst was moving from just an empty growling stomach to a shaky, weak feeling. If I didn’t find something to fulfill it…I knew that I’d pass out, which wasn’t an option.
Passing out and remaining that way as the sun came up would definitely kill me.

I had to find something to satisfy it.
Once again, I was running. I needed a rat, raccoon…anything that I could get my hands on because I knew that the alternative was out of the question.
But the darkness wanted human blood.
I ran into a nearby alley…thinking surely there was something there to calm the thirst. I’d only taken a few steps when I realized I wasn’t alone.
I could hear him before I could see him… footsteps that fell in rhythm to every other beat of his heart.
I stopped short as if I were the one in danger of being prey. I wanted to call out…to warn him, but the darkness wouldn’t allow it.
I took a quick breath and tried to avoid his scent…but it was too late. His blood was already all that I could think of. I had to taste it.

While I stood there terrified of what I’d do, he never paused. He kept coming and I got more and more desperate.
In a last-ditch effort, I found my voice…

That’s all it took. I took a few quick steps forward…as he said something that I couldn’t hear.
I fought till the last minute, but nothing could stop what was about to happen next. The last thing I remember is the feeling of my sharp fangs against my tongue as I stepped further into the alley.