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Dark Form Chapters

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Vala Diallo finds herself changing into someone that she doesn’t understand after a late-night visit from an unknown man.  In her attempt to suppress a strange new thirst for blood, she commits an unforgivable act. Now she must hide what she is from those closest to her…while also trying to control her new urges.
She’s in a race against time desperately seeking a cure for her condition before she does the unthinkable once again. But there’s someone out there who’ll do anything it takes to make sure she doesn’t succeed.

Chapter Summaries

Click Here to Read the Prologue– Vala Diallo receives a late-night visit from a dark stranger but believes that it’s just a dream.

Click Here to Read Chapter 1 – Vala prides herself on being a good, environmentally conscious person.

Click Here to Read Chapter 2 – Vala’s day goes on without warning of the fate that would befall her that evening.

Click Here to Read Chapter 3 – It’s the morning after Vala received her “strange” visitor and begins to feel the first symptoms of change.

Click Here to Read Chapter 4 – A trip to her friend’s clinic reveals to Vala that she might be undergoing some personality changes as well.

Click Here to Read Chapter 5 – Vala is seen by Lizzie and has a strange encounter in the waiting room.

Click Here to Read Chapter 6 – As her full transformation takes place, Vala fights hard to keep away the darkness.

Click Here to Read Chapter 7 –  Vala begins her search for a solution to her new-found problems and later runs into Lizzie’s husband Dray who seems to have more on his mind than just being a friendly neighbor.

Click Here to Read Chapter 8 –  Things become tenser for Vala when she decides to take a walk in the middle of the night but momentarily loses herself to the darkness.

Click Here to Read Chapter 9 – Now desperate, Vala returns to her search and finally finds some useful information.  But in the process…discovers yet another problematic symptom.

Click Here to Read Chapter 10 – Vala receives a visit from the Gunn family and does her best to restrain her strong urges.

Click Here to Read Chapter 11 – Seeking more information about her condition, Vala once again ventures out into the night…which may prove to be her biggest mistake.

Click Here to Read Chapter 12 – Lizzie visits Vala once again, this time with some gruesome news.

Click Here to Read Chapter 13 – Vala’s not sure if she should turn herself in or continue to seek a solution to her problem. In her search to find out what happened in the alley, she meets a stranger.

Click Here to Read Chapter 14 –  Vala once again finds a temporary solution to the thirst but knows she can’t continue the cycle forever. As she tries to seek answers, she receives an unexpected visit.

Click Here to Read Chapter 15 –  After taking action in order to alter her current path, Vala stumbles upon some simple instructions that may lead her to the breakthrough that she desperately needs.

Click Here to Read Chapter 16 – Doobie offers Vala some insight and a temporary solution to her thirst problem.

Click Here to Read Chapter 17 – After hearing Vala’s concerns, Doobie comes up with a long-term solution to help Val control her thirst.

The posts above are from 2017. New chapters begin below! 

Click Here to Read Chapter 18 –  Vala finally has hope of building some normalcy in her life, but it comes too late.

Click Here to Read Chapter 19 – Lizzie is gone and Vala falls into a deep depression.

Click Here to Read Chapter 20 – Vala questions the reason behind Vee’s sudden visit.

Click Here to Read Chapter 21 – As she gets closer to Vee, Vala realizes that there’s a lot of herself that she has to hide.

Click Here to Read Chapter 22 – Vala invites Vee into her bed and into her past.

Click Here to Read Chapter 23 – (coming soon)

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