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Posts tagged as “Heroes”

Meet Shopkeeper Percival Payne

Name: Percival PayneProfession: Merchant of ArcholiaTraits: Haggler & Creative CookFatal Flaw: Glutton Background: Percival’s main goal in life is to sale!  He believes that he could sale anything to anybody and he definitely tries.  His skill may help him in becoming very successful, but it could also get him into…

Meet Troubadour Amelia Wade

Name: Amelia WadeProfession: Bard of ArcholiaTraits: Jokester & Fun-lovingFatal Flaw: Insecure Background: Most people only notice her beauty and talent, but there is a certain toughness in Amelia that often goes unnoticed. She often uses this misconception to her advantage; getting people to do things that they would not do…

Meet Sir Ivan Bigge

Name: Ivan BiggeProfession: Knight of ArcholiaTraits: Adventurous & GreedyFatal Flaw: Compulsive Gambler Background: With a passion for adventure, Sir Ivan joins the cast of heroes in Archolia.  He is determined to keep the kingdom safe from thieves and evil doers.  But it is not long before he has his eyes…

Meet Sister Ermine Bennett

Name: Ermine BennettProfession: Peteran Priest of ArcholiaTraits: Earthy & GoodFatal Flaw: Insomniac Background: Sister Ermine is a kind gentle soul who has dedicated her life to teaching others about the love of the Watcher.  Queen Chalyela believed her the perfect choice to lead the building up of the Peteran faith…

Meet Bloodletter Gavin Okar

Name: Gavin OkarProfession: Physician of ArcholiaTraits: Dedicated & ScholarlyFatal Flaw: Drunkard Background: Bloodletter Gavin is  a skilled physician with a traumatic past.  Once happily married with two children, Gavin suffered the lost of his entire family to a mysterious illness.  To ease the guilt of not being able to save…

Meet the Queen of Archolia

Name: Chalyela Fletcher(Shal-yē-la) Profession: Queen of Archolia Traits: Eloquent & Fun-Loving Fatal Flaw: Weak Constitution Background: An unlikely queen born with no royal blood.  Her eloquence combined with fairness and kindness allowed her to rise to power in a land in desperate need of a monarch, but she secretly struggles…

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