The police didn’t even bother to cuff me…there was no way I was going to resist arrest. The older cop led me into an interrogation room and forced me into a chair. “Did you try to kill your daughter?” He asked with his back turned as if he was having…
Posts tagged as “Sims 3”
I Stole Evil – Chapter 10
I Stole Evil and Stories
I continued to check the newspaper daily during the seven years that Carmina was with us. I just couldn’t figure out why she was never reported missing or who she belonged to…and why weren’t they trying to find her? Why wasn’t I arrested and in prison for my crime? Just…
I Stole Evil – Chapter 9
I Stole Evil and Stories
By the time Carmina turned seven… …she was controlling everything I did. It was like trying to climb a fence with a vicious Pit-bull on the other side…watching my every move. Except in my life, Carmina was the Pit-Bull. One false move and she attacked. She used others to…
I Stole Evil – Chapter 8
I Stole Evil and Stories
I took Carmina to the store just as she demanded. “I want to go to the toy store,” she said as I approached the car. “I need a dollar to ride the bouncer,” she ordered; never bothering to say please or thank you. Carmina rode the bouncing ride at least…
I Stole Evil – Chapter 7
I Stole Evil and Stories
At age 4, Carmina was a master of deception. She possessed a sweet innocence that would fade seamlessly into a cruel manipulation without warning. “Mommy! I made this for you!” My life was full of uncertainties, because I never knew what to expect with her. “Come on mommy! You have…
I Stole Evil – Chapter 6
I Stole Evil and Stories
Nick’s love for Carmina was more like an obsession. He was protective of her and revered her more and more each day. Carmina’sfirst birthday was a month away, but Nick started planning and buying gifts for her six months before. In fact, every extra penny he had went to Carmina. …
I Stole Evil – Chapter 5
I Stole Evil and Stories
That knock never came… …and everyday I loved Carmina more and more. She became more beautiful and was a joy to be around. By the time she was 6 months old, she drew attention from everyone who saw her. Everyday, when the weather permitted, we took walks around town. And…
I Stole Evil – Chapter 4
I Stole Evil and Stories
Thirty minutes later, we pulled up in front of our house; just as the rain stopped. I paid the taxi driver and waited for him to pull off before taking Carmina out of the backpack. I entered the house and headed directly to the bedroom. The house was warm; a…
I Stole Evil – Chapter 3
I Stole Evil and Stories
A few hours later, I woke up. The hospital was quiet…too quiet. I sat up and put one bare foot on the floor. A chill went up my spine. I put the other foot on the floor and stood up for the first time since my baby was born. My…
I Stole Evil – Chapter 2
I Stole Evil and Stories
In my medication induced sleep, I dreamt of a fantasy-like future complete with a house full of joy, happy marriage and a picket fence. At around 7 the next morning, I was awakened by my ringing cell phone and my reality. I knew who was at the other end of…