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Archolia Chapter 44 – The Peteran Priest & Monarch

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Queen Chalyela continues to hold court and listen to petitions from her subjects. 
Sister Ermine decides to  seek the queen’s help in promoting the Peteran faith among those in the kingdom. 
Ermine approaches the throne, “Your majesty,” she says bowing low.
“Greetings your Worship.  You may rise.”
“Meet me over there, “Chalyela instructs, pointing out an area away from the throne.  “I was just about to finish up here.”
Chalyela walks over to Ermine.
“What can I do for you, your Worship?” Chalyela asks.

“Well M’Lady, I have come to you because I am concerned,” Ermine begins.

She continues, “As you are no doubt aware, there is a cultural faire in town and many have visited, yet the numbers of visits to the church have declined. In fact, I would say that faith is at an all time low. ”
“I see,” Chalyela answers, already quite aware of the problem of faith, “How may I be of service to the church?”

“Well, I have planned to deliver a sermon on waning faith within the kingdom , but I am concerned that no one will show up.  I shall like your help in filling the pews for this special sermon.”
“Aye good sister.  I am at your disposal.  I will speak to some of our citizens about attending your service.  However…”
“I leave it up to you to be sure that this sermon is very meaningful and captures the attention of those who attend.”
“Aye M’Lady.  I will not let you down,” Ermine promises, although inside, she is not sure how she is going to capture the hearts of the parishioners.
Chalyela was just about to leave the castle when she hears a familiar voice behind her, “There’s my beautiful queen.”

She turns and faces Gavin.
Before the queen can respond, Gavin grabs her and pulls her into a tight hug.  Lately, he cannot help but feel that he is about to lose her. 
He is right, things have changed for Chalyela, but she is afraid to admit it.  Gavin still holds a large place in her heart, but lately someone else has begun to creep in.
Chalyela gives Gavin her best smile. “Hello.  I am surprised to see you.  I was just heading out for a walk.”
“Shall I join you?” Gavin asks hopefully.
“ I am sure that you are very busy.  I was just going to head to the church to help Sister Ermine with a few things.”

“Oh.  Alright.  Please, do not let me keep you for another minute,” Gavin says attempting to mask his disappointment.

Chalyela feels horrible for lying to Gavin.  She really does love him, but something in her wants to explore a bit before she makes a firm decision on who she wants to be with. 

Behind her, Gavin’s heart sinks, as he is sure that Chalyela is not going to the church.
Unfortunately, Gavin’s suspicion is correct.  If he had followed her, he would have witnessed Chalyela begin walking toward the church, but soon make a sharp right, rather than continue up the hill to the Peteran Chapel.
Chalyela heads toward the woods, her heart in a seesaw of confusion.  She hates to let Gavin down, but she prays to run into the person that she is searching for – completing his patrol in the woods.
Chalyela searches the woods; walking in as deeply as she would dare so late in the evening.  She is disappointed as she leaves, because she does not find Sir Ivan.
Back at the church, Sister Ermine attempts to attract a few passers-by by evangelizing in front of the church.  Maybe she can touch a few lost souls and win them over to the Watcher and the Peteran Faith.
Initially, it is just her alone in front of the church preaching her heart out.
She does not let the lack of a crowd deter her.  She continues to lift her voice in honor of the Watcher.
She slowly begins to capture some attention, including Bloodletter Gavin who just had to see if his suspicion was correct.
“Even in times of wealth, good health and safety…we must continue to give the Watcher praise,” Sister Ermine says with passion and enthusiasm.
“The Watcher guides us in good times too!”  She continues as the crowd multiplies.
“I know that the faire is attractive and fun, but we cannot forget the Watcher who has given us sight and laughter and the very lives that we enjoy so much!”
“Please my brothers and sisters.  Do not allow your heart to stray from the Watcher.”
Sister Ermine finishes evangelizing among applause and shouts of praise.  She is confident that her words have touched a few hearts.
She lays her weary head on her pillow.  She must get as much rest as she can, for she has a busy day of winning souls ahead of her tomorrow.
While Queen Chalyela tosses and turns in bed, going back and forth in her mind about who she will allow to possess her heart for good.

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