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Archolia Chapter 52 – The Peteran Priest & Monarch

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Sister Ermine approaches her podium and lights the candle.
She’s decided to give more frequent sermons to help the citizens of Archolia keep the Watcher in the forefront of their minds.
There are a fair number of parishioners present, including queen Chalyela.
The congregation sits as Ermine begins another sermon on keeping the faith during times of plenty, as well as famine.
Queen Chalyela stays as long as she can, but she has a few duties that she must attend to.  She is pleased to see that the congregation seems to be receptive to Ermine’s message. 
Chalyela has been working closely with Build Master Krispin, trying to decide what building she wants to see built in the kingdom next.  She is leaning toward a tavern.  The citizens could use more entertainment to keep their spirits up.
First, she heads to her tactical map to propose a new edict to increase Archolia’s relations with neighboring territories.
She finishes up and places the edict on the map to prepare for a vote.
Back at the chapel, Ermine ends her sermon.  The pews were not full, but the church was able to pull in a fair amount of tithe money. 
Ermine spends time converting new believers over to the Peteran faith. 
She finally takes time at her scribe table, drafting her new book about the new revised Peteran faith.
To be sure that the book is divinely inspired, Ermine closes her eyes to allow the Watcher to write through her.
With arm muscles tight from scribing and her stomach empty, Ermine takes a break.
She quickly eats a bowl of stew. 
She pulls out a fresh scroll…
…and continues scribing.
Only with the power of the Watcher guiding her, she finishes her book.  She tries on her new robes and is pleased with her new look. 
She almost wants to smile.  She is pleased that the Watcher has chosen her to lead the restructuring of the Peteran Faith.
All that’s left for her to do is get some rest.  She will present the new Peteran Faith in another special sermon tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Chalyela speaks with Build Master Krispin about her plans for a tavern in the town square.
Things are moving in the right direction. 
Her kingdom is growing, the citizens are regaining their faith…
…and hopefully she will soon have a king to help her rule her kingdom and possibly give her an heir.
Both ladies rest peacefully…looking forward to a new day.

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