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Archolia Chapter 58 – The Physician

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Rather than be insulted by the knight’s suggestion, Gavin takes the advice.  Maybe he should find some women folk to ask about curing a curse.  Gavin knows just where to find a woman who may know something about curses.  He heads to the church.
As Gavin approaches the church, he spots an older woman heading his way.  She looks like someone who may know a thing or two about curses, he thinks to himself.
“Good day madam,” Gavin says stopping her in her tracks.

“Name’s Maid Ingrid,” she cheerfully offers.
“I’m Bloodletter Gavin and I wondered if you might assist me with a problem that a friend of mine is having,” Gavin begins.
“Sure!  How can I assist?”

“Do you know anything of curses and how to go about curing them?”
“I  happen to know a little…in fact much more than I would like,” Maid Ingrid begins.  “I was once the victim of a curse.”
“How were you cured?”
“To cure a curse, one must drink wine blessed by a priest.  Then you make a torch of grassweed and walk backward through the house burning the grassweed torch. Only then will the curse melt away.”
Gavin thanks Maid Ingrid and she continues about her business.  He is not sure what to think of her cure, but he is willing to consider just about anything. 
“Did I not see you last night?” 

Gavin looks up and inhales as he stares into the face of the beautiful Amelia.  “Aye…I…I was at the tavern last night.”
Gavin continues, “By the way, you have a voice most pleasing.”
“Thank you.  You seemed to have really enjoyed yourself.”
“Aye, I tried to anyway.  Might I ask you  a question?”
“Sure,” Amelia answers.

“Do you happen to know how to cure a curse?”
Amelia chuckles, “In my line of work, I hear about a little of everything.”
Gavin smiles at that.  “My assistant believes that she is cursed.  What can I do to help her?’
“Sorry to hear that.  From what I understand, you have to burn some sort of torch, walk around the house with the torch while dressed in fresh linens.  Then you gaze into a mirror until the curse disappears.”
Amelia continues with a chuckle, “Of course I cannot confirm the validity of the source.  I am sure that he’d had a goblet of ale too many, but that is what I have heard.”
“Well I must return to the tavern,” Amelia says excusing herself.
Ingrid and Amelia’s cures sound similar to each other.  Gavin is sure that if Jolene combines what they have both said, she would be cured.  He turns and follows Amelia down the hill.

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