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Archolia Chapter 64 – The Bard

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Amelia wakes a few hours later to a room of sweaty, smelly villagers who have partied and drank way more than they should have.
Amelia is relieved when they all decide to head outside.  In the town square, she approaches Alvin.  “Here is 300 simoles. Will this be enough to get you all through for a while and end this revolt?”  Amelia says handing Alvin a bag. 
She is hesitant to give such a large amount, because she has not made much money from the tavern yet.  However, her goal is to end this revolt as soon as possible, making the queen happy. 

Alvin answers her question, “Let me think on it and discuss it with the others.  Check back in a few hours.”
Amelia is disappointed not to have an answer right away. 
She reenters the tavern and begins cleaning.  If she does not bring in more money soon, she may have to consider selling off some things in order to make additional money.
Amelia is hopeful that Alvin and the villagers accept her simoles and end their revolt. 
While she gives them time to discuss things over  and decide whether to end their revolt, she pulls out her lute and practices.
Soon Amelia can hear voices approaching the tavern.  She hopes that it is the villagers coming to tell her that they will be returning home.
To her relief, it is the villagers.  Alvin pulls her to the side.  “We have made our decision,” he announces.
“We will end our revolt…” he begins.
Amelia is excited!  She has done her job efficiently.  However, her happiness is short lived as she hears Alvin’s next words, “…but only if you give us double the original amount, totaling 600 simoles.” 
Amelia cannot believe her ears and stands frozen in the same stance, long after Alvin has walked away.  “What?” She asks herself; her voice full of disbelief.
“What greedy peasants!”  Amelia says quietly to herself.  How dare they ask for double the amount she already gave.
Amelia is at a loss.  She was sure that giving money would solve this issue.  Now they want double and the tavern does not have that much money to give.  
“I shall have to teach these greedy peasants a lesson,” Amelia decides. 
Amelia decides to write a play, showing the peasants the error of their ways.  But first, she needs food.
Amelia leaves the tavern and sets out for the village.  She is hungry, but refuses to eat another bowl of gruel.
On the way to the village, Amelia thinks about the plot of her play, gathering inspiration from the trees and scenery that she passes along the way.
Amelia reaches the village.  She immediately spots signs of poverty, but compared to other villages that she has visited, the people here are in much better condition than in other places.  The children appear to be healthy and lively and there are no rats running around and no signs of illness  or despair.
Amelia returns with fowl for her stew and a new attitude toward the revolters.  Yes, they do not have much, but the queen has taken great care in making sure that the village is clean and that everyone there is healthy and free of illness.

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