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Archolia Chapter 72 – The Knight

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Ivan has been instructed to wait until he is so unfocused that he cannot catch anything.  He knows of a few ways to make himself tired and even more desperate.
There is another swordsman in the kingdom looking for a challenge.  Ivan rises to the occasion and challenges him to a duel.  The swordsman accepts at once.
Without much effort, Ivan has the swordsman on his knees asking for mercy. 
The swordsman has never been beat so quickly…
Ivan blames pent up sexual energy on his somewhat superhuman strength and agility.
Ivan hears calls from the new market located next to the tavern.  He has time before he is to return to his fishing, so he walks over to see what there is to buy.
The calls are coming from the merchant standing there among the stalls.
“I am Sir Ivan.  I am looking to upgrade my weapon.”  He says approaching the merchant.
“Name’s Percival Payne,” the merchant says introducing himself. “I may be able to help you with that later, but seeing as there is no blacksmith here in town, I may have to have adequate weaponry imported.”
“I see. How long do you think it would take to get something in?”
“I tell you what, Sir Ivan.  I will do my best to get something in before the week is out.” Percival promises.

“Good man,” Ivan says in response.
Ivan takes a look around Percival’s other goods.  He sees a few trinkets and possible gifts for the queen, but nothing that he could use.
He takes a look at the shields that Percival has in stock and sees that they may be adequate for an amateur, but would be no good for his own purposes.
Checking out Percival’s other goods, I van decides to purchase some fowl for a stew.
Ivan is beginning to feel hungry and his focus is faltering.  He decides to complete some of his duties before he loses the ability to get anything done.
First he walks to the forest and patrols the clearing.
He patrols for as long as he can, but it does not take long before his growling stomach begins to get to him.  His energy is practically drained from his swordfight earlier.  He would love more than anything to cook up his fowl and rest.
Ivan walks to the docks to do some sea patrolling.  At least while out at sea, he won’t have to do any walking around. 
He boards the ship and waits for his crew to join him.
After the crew boards, the ship pulls from the docks, just as the sun begins to set.
The ships takes its usual patrol route.  Ivan looks for any unidentified or unauthorized ships. 
The sun has almost completely disappeared by the time Ivan and his crew begins to head back to the dock. 
Ivan can barely stand by the time Archolia is back within view.  The ship slowly pulls up to the dock.
Ivan leaves the ship, happy to know that there is no threat of any sea attacks, but is so weak and tired that he is unsure whether he even wants to attempt any fishing tonight.

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